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In the last decade, multigenerational living—or residing in homes that include at least two generations of adults or homes that have grandparents living with grandchildren under age 25—has nearly quadrupled in the United States.
In an uncertain world, are you ready for the next curveball? The first in a series of articles to help you evaluate and improve your preparedness.
BYU Marriott alumna Krislyn Powell has a knack for creating connections, whether as a yogi, an administrator, or a volunteer.
The Beehive State is abuzz. The stretch along the Wasatch Front from Ogden to Provo is growing into a hub of technology entrepreneurship, dotted with everything from scrappy startups to billion-dollar ventures. Meet Seven Marriott School Alumni inside Utah’s Tech Boom
Negotiation skills might not bring you everything you want in life, but you can increase your odds of success. To up your game, try a relationship-driven approach for an outcome that helps everyone, says a 2015 study in Harvard’s Negotiation Journal.
As children grow, a parent’s role evolves—from caregiver to choreographer to coach. When children hit young adulthood and finish their college years, parents function primarily as consultants. But this promotion is no cushy retirement. It’s a challenging gig: even the most well-adjusted young adult can run into roadblocks, and parents have less control over kids’ decisions than before.
Gandhi has a story. Winston Churchill has a story. Martin Luther King Jr. has a story. Great leadership is interwoven with great stories, and often this leadership comes when leaders perceive the power of their own stories.
How a neglected virtue can redeem leadership's most notorious vice
After a divisive campaign that brought us the #AnyoneButTrump movement and Hillary Clinton’s literal Woman Card, you might know where you stand when it comes to the presidential candidates—or maybe you’re not so sure, even as the polls ready to open this November.
It was an ordinary Tuesday Night when everything went dark. For five million BlackBerry users, email turned eerily silent.
Summer comes with long hot afternoons, baseball games, and swimming lessons. But amid the hustle and bustle of filling your days, make sure to save time to unwind.
New research shows pinching pennies can actually cost you more
Changing the missionary age infused excitement and opened doors for many new opportunities. It also created a few challenges. One of these challenges at the Provo MTC was how to prepare and serve as many as 10,000 more meals a day.