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Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Summer 2009 Winter 2011 Winter 2015
It’s good to be back at BYU. There’s not another campus in the world that I have visited half as often as BYU. For many years, EY has been the number one employer of BYU students, and most years BYU has been the number one source of candidates for EY. It’s a wonderful two-way relationship.
You might only fantasize about being a lord or lady when a certain period drama graces your screen, but you still have an estate to manage. Whether modest or grand, your earthly assets are just like those of Downton Abbey’s fictional family: you can’t take them with you.
Sickness, car wrecks, and births—INTEX, the weeklong rite of passage for information systems students, stops for nothing.
The prototype wasn’t pretty. Wrapped in tinfoil and dotted with hand-drawn circles, the cardboard cylinder could have easily passed for an elementary school project, but the student entrepreneurs didn’t mind.
It reads like a worst-case scenario: you’re slicing through rough air to check on an offshore oil rig when the unfathomable happens—the chopper goes down. Would you survive?
The Golden Arches. The Swoosh. Colonel Sanders. Strong logos and symbols are often as valuable in the corporate world as the products and services they represent. And one slight tweak can be the difference between colossal sales or devastating losses.
It seems like only a few years ago that I sat where you are sitting. I was an English major, and that meant that I liked reading and writing. It also meant that I had no idea what I was going to do with my career.
The Sound of Music swept the box office, Martin Luther King Jr. led thousands to Alabama’s capital, and the first commercial satellite launched into orbit. The year was 1965, and the BYU MPA students of the inaugural class were collecting their diplomas and preparing to embody the credo “Enter to learn; go forth to serve.”
Think of it as the barcode’s hip, tech-savvy cousin. QR (quick response) codes allow users to scan a black-and-white box with their smartphones and instantly link to data, videos, music, or a bevy of other knowledge.
At some point today you will type a phrase into Google’s search engine. A few seconds later, you’ll start scrolling through results. Chances are you’re going to click on one of the top links. And just like you, millions of people across the globe will be doing the same thing, entering other search terms into Google, Bing, or Yahoo! and clicking on whatever comes up first.
It’s an often thankless job with bad hours and few days off. Running a home and keeping a family going may not require a board of directors, but that doesn’t mean it’s not demanding.
Not long after putting their pencils down on the last bubble sheet, many Marriott School students say good-bye to their final exams and to Y Mountain, leaving Provo in pursuit of internships and experience. 
A painted papier-mâché mask with a lively hodgepodge of primary colors and an obvious grin sits quietly in a Marriott School office, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the professor sitting only a few feet away. 
Former associate dean W. Steve Albrecht shares his experience as president of the Japan Tokyo Mission during the 2011 earthquake.