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Fall 2007 Fall 2009 Summer 2021 Winter 2021
Not too long ago, artificial intelligence was completely science fiction. Machines that talk to you in conversational tones? Devices that understand commands? The future was going to be weird.
How online reviews came to rule commerce, and where they might be headed next
This is the second in a series of articles that looks at what organizational culture is, why it’s important, and how to change it.
Instinctively, Paige Goepfert is definitely organized—but she’s so much more.
Your phone pings—you have a new message. A box pops up on your computer screen—you have a new email. A colleague stops by—you want to chat about your weekend. When will you ever be able to get work done? Studies show that today’s workers are being interrupted more than ever, which affects not only productivity but also mental health. Try these tips for getting back in focus and ensuring you’re making the most of your time spent at the office.
The history of food trucks in the United States is nebulous. Many credit the chuck wagon of the Wild West as setting a trend that has lasted through the centuries. Chuck wagons were followed up with horse-drawn mobile diners, US Army mobile canteens, and ice cream trucks.
Taylor Halverson describes the course, Entrepreneurship 113: Startup Bootcamp, as “learning the scientific method for how to launch a business.”
Exploring the Seen and Unseen Forces That Determine Corporate Culture
With its emphasis on teaching students to discover solutions to seemingly impossible problems, BYU Marriott's course Strategy 421: Strategy Implementation is one that Sherlock Holmes would have approved of.
With COVID-19 forcing schools around the world to adopt modified in-person, hybrid, or fully online instruction, the idea of homeschooling is gaining momentum.
Eric Weight’s alarm clock rang at 6 a.m. every morning, no matter the weather, no matter the month, no matter the holiday.
Tinker Bell sprinkles her pixie dust, Mickey and his pals stand ready, and everything is in place for another magical day at the happiest place on earth. But this day at Walt Disney World promises to be a little different.
On 19 March 2009 BYU student Steve Hansen wasn’t in the Tanner Building atrium eating lunch with his peers. He wasn’t in Provo, in Utah, or even in the country. Hansen was across the Atlantic eating salmon and caviar with foreign dignitaries, government officials, and international investment CEOs at an invitation-only gala dinner at the Hotel de Paris in Monaco.