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Fall 2022 Summer 2021 Winter 2016 Winter 2021
For the past three years, Elder Kim B. Clark has developed and taught a course on leadership and the gospel of Jesus Christ, titled Becoming a Disciple-Leader.
Less-than-rosy economic forecasts could mean changes on the horizon for how public pension systems are managed.
A purposeful approach to using your screen wisely.
Rebecca McCarron Greenhalgh is no stranger to smart wordsmithing, so it was unusual when she was suddenly speechless during an important Zoom meeting.
My wife, Amy, loves new experiences. In 2017 she convinced our family that we needed to travel five hours from Provo to eastern Idaho to see the full solar eclipse in person.
As the business world becomes increasingly data driven, professors in the MBA program at BYU Marriott want their students to graduate equipped with skills that will set them apart from their colleagues and give them a competitive edge in the workforce.
In 1822, linguist Jean-François Champollion translated portions of the inscription on the Rosetta Stone, a slab covered with hieroglyphics, characters, and Greek. His work helped decode an inaccessible language and popularize ancient Egyptian culture. Today translation continues to be essential for cross-cultural interaction.
Not too long ago, artificial intelligence was completely science fiction. Machines that talk to you in conversational tones? Devices that understand commands? The future was going to be weird.
How online reviews came to rule commerce, and where they might be headed next
This is the second in a series of articles that looks at what organizational culture is, why it’s important, and how to change it.
Instinctively, Paige Goepfert is definitely organized—but she’s so much more.
Your phone pings—you have a new message. A box pops up on your computer screen—you have a new email. A colleague stops by—you want to chat about your weekend. When will you ever be able to get work done? Studies show that today’s workers are being interrupted more than ever, which affects not only productivity but also mental health. Try these tips for getting back in focus and ensuring you’re making the most of your time spent at the office.
The history of food trucks in the United States is nebulous. Many credit the chuck wagon of the Wild West as setting a trend that has lasted through the centuries. Chuck wagons were followed up with horse-drawn mobile diners, US Army mobile canteens, and ice cream trucks.
Taylor Halverson describes the course, Entrepreneurship 113: Startup Bootcamp, as “learning the scientific method for how to launch a business.”