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How many times this semester have you been asked, “What are your plans after you graduate?” Dozens? Thousands? Most of you likely have a plan for your life.
It’s been twenty-five years  since BYU’s School of Management was rechristened in honor of J. Willard and Alice S.  Marriott. To celebrate the silver anniversary, seven couples recount how their time in the Tanner Building paid the ultimate dividend: a life of wedded bliss.
It’s striking that even in 2013 more than one billion people around the world live in conditions with no access to electricity. That means they have no heat for their homes and nothing to cook their food on. They do not have the ability to clean their water or to refrigerate medicines. They don’t have hospitals.
When advertisers think right, they’re right on.
I was very fortunate to attend Brigham Young University. I graduated with a master’s degree in accounting, and I’m not sure I was really aware at the time of what a great education I had received. When I entered BYU I wanted to play football, but once I began taking accounting and business classes at the Marriott School, I realized I had much better prospects in accounting. 
It’s not all about touchdowns for BYU’s football team, though you’d never know it judging by last year’s knockout season—or the past four seasons, for that matter. During the past four years, the Cougars have won forty-three and lost nine, a record surpassed by only four other schools in the country.1
In my fifty-four years in business I have studied leadership and have been anxious to learn why people are successful. I believe strongly that everyone who wants to be successful will be.
You know you’re in Hong Kong when you smell it. First, it’s flowery-sweet, popcorn-esque jasmine rice. Next, it’s incense from the factories that line the coast just to the north.
Last year, Kim Clark, then dean of Harvard Business School, talked about how he learned to ride the high country with his father when he was a boy in Southern Utah. He emphasized how being on the tops of the mountains allowed a person to see the broad vistas of life.
How the Marriott School Gives Future Professors a Head Start
Born in Salt Lake City, young Kay Whitmore spent his teenage years working away from home—at a fish cannery in Alaska, a dude ranch in Arizona, and a slaughterhouse in Utah. Little did those close to him know he would rise to lead Kodak, one of the world’s largest multinational corporations.
If you ask Jesse Crisler what he remembers most from a recent morning news program, you may be surprised. It wasn’t the celebrity guests, popular host, or sports beat. What stands out in his mind is a question the host asked his guest. It went something like this: “In lieu of this situation, what would be your take on the issue?”