Young Professionals Advisory Council

Tyler Terry

Membership Information:

Member Since: 2022

Contact Information:

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Job Title: Support Hero Manager
Company: Bamboo HR


  • Customer Experience



Looked at a lot of different opportunities, but knew someone that worked at Bamboo HR. Joined as a project manager to implement new clients on how to use the software, then moved around customer experience department in managing customer success team which was more client outreach focused and doing business reviews, then returned to implementation as a manager, and then moved to support where clients are reaching out to us. Then they helped me specialize in billing.

How Can You Give?

"Based on my own experiences, I want to impart my wisdom and knowledge to students, being open to different opportunities, sometimes we don't see opportunities as the ideal, but to be open to that, because we don't know where something can lead. Also, instill in them confidence, it's scary or hard to get into the workforce in these circumstances, but you have skills you can implement in a job, go into it with as much confidence as anybody else."