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Human Resources Marketing 2023 2021 2010–2014
Senior Kirsten Keith has embraced the BYU Marriott marketing program’s emphasis on community.
You could say that Gerald “Jerry” Petersen earned his master’s degree in marketing from BYU because he loved to sing.
The first time senior Tehani Travis applied for a major at the BYU Marriott School of Business, she was sure it was the right path for her—but she didn’t get in. The next year, after much preparation, she applied to two majors and got into both. In front of her, two paths extended into the future, and she had to make a choice.
Jeff Bednar is a ghost hunter. And while the BYU business professor doesn’t have night vision cameras or ultrasensitive recording equipment, he’s found a bunch of ghosts — including several here at BYU.
Eight professors joined the faculty at the BYU Marriott School of Business in 2023. “We are excited to welcome these new faculty members,” says Brigitte Madrian, dean of BYU Marriott. “In line with our mission to develop leaders of faith, intellect, and character, these new faculty bring insight and experience that will contribute to the educational experience BYU Marriott offers its students.”
Three BYU Marriott faculty receive awards at the 2023 University Conference.
A new study led by a BYU business professor offers strategic measures that businesses can take (and that consumers should be aware of) to instill a greater sense of trust in online review platforms and combat misinformation.
Although millions are spent each year on entrepreneurship training that is intended to help alleviate poverty and elevate the quality of life of entrepreneurs in developing nations, these programs often fail to make an impact. BYU researchers and their colleagues have figured out at least one way to change that.
Management professor Peter Madsen has always loved learning. With a 2-million-dollar NSF grant, Madsen is researching train traffic controllers’ use of algorithms.
Dean Brigitte C. Madrian has announced the appointment of Ryan Elder as the next chair of the Department of Marketing and Global Supply Chain.
Study reveals racial bias, discrimination in financial services, but also identifies actions minority small business owners can take
Confidence and Christ-centered learning helped four BYU Marriott student teams take top places at the 2023 Utah Society for Human Resource Management competition.
To BYU Marriott student Abby Ebert, the human resource management program has encouraged her to step out of her comfort zone and lead with compassion.
Adjunct marketing professor Scott Rackham brings his experienced flavor to the classroom.
During Kate Toronto's first day of classes at BYU Marriott, she watched in awe as Marcy Fetzer taught a class on human resources.
BYU Marriott students competed against universities from across Utah in the annual 2023 MarketStar event.
BYU Marriott School of Business marketing students won first place at the 2021 MarketStar Sales and Analytics Champion Competition.
Two student teams from BYU Marriott took home four top-two awards at the 2021 Purdue HR Case Competition.
BYU Marriott HRM senior Megan Atkisson is no ordinary LEGO store visitor. The store fostered her love for employee experience design instead of a hobby for building intricate models.
Even masks from the pandemic can't stop new BYU Marriott professor McKenzie Rees from memorizing the faces—at least the upper half—and names of all her students.
The BYU Marriott School of Business is working with BYU Athletics in helping to take the next step in name, image and likeness innovation.
Seniors in the human resource management program at BYU Marriott will gain valuable industry experience through a unique class this fall.
After spending most of his time as an undergraduate student preparing for law school, Kurt Herrmann received surprising inspiration to change career paths.
Four BYU Marriott students helped create a sustainable alternative for Walmart's supply chain process through the Ballard Center for Social Impact.