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Healthcare Information Systems 2022 2017
New research finds that HIPAA forms cause people to lie more about their medical history rather than feel more comfortable about sharing information.
BYU Marriott's interdisciplinary Healthcare Leadership Collaborative is already filling a critical gap in the healthcare industry.
Ching Tong finds joy in building genuine relationships with others. The MISM graduate now lives in New York City and continues to make meaningful connections.
For Clay Posey, a professor of information systems (IS) at the BYU Marriott School of Business, two things his students do give him pause.
In early September, information systems students, alumni, and faculty gathered for a new kind of tailgate, one filled with renewing and creating connections.
Justin Giboney, a professor of information systems (IS) at the BYU Marriott School of Business, routinely sends summer camp students to outer space.
Jen Almond was playing a trivia game along with other students during the BYU Marriott School of Business’s new-student orientation when a question popped up that she knew she could answer correctly: “How old is the oldest student in this class?”
After the IS study abroad trip to Asia was canceled for the third year in a row because of COVID-19, Professors Greg Anderson and John Gardner came up with a different option.
As a sharp-minded young boy, Travis Cook was constantly pulling apart alarm clocks, radios, TVs, VCRs—even a BB gun—to examine their pieces.
It’s an unassuming blue box, not much bigger than a deck of cards.
When Detroit native Eric Louis took his first cybersecurity class at BYU, he was reminded of doing jigsaw puzzles with his grandmother. For this second-year MISM student, the pieces may look different, but the goal of puzzles and cybersecurity is the
Four BYU Marriott MISM graduates have created an introductory coding camp for young women.
Nine students were recently honored as 2022 Bateman Award recipients for their excellence both inside and outside the classroom.
Information systems alumna Ioana Schifirnet recognizes many similarities between art history and one of her personal passions: data analysis.
When Greg Anderson began his college career at Weber State University on a singing scholarship, he had no idea where his education might take him.
When the death of George Floyd sparked national outrage and protests against racism in 2020, BYU Marriott MPA grad Christabel Agbonkonkon knew she had to do something.
BYU Marriott MISM students were some of the only master's level presenters at the recent International Conference for Information Systems.
Fostering connections between students is the number one priority for leaders of the Association for Information Systems chapter at BYU Marriott.
You may think twice before listing "multitasking" as a skill on your resume due to top-notch research performed by BYU professors on security warnings.
The AIS Club held BYU's first ever service hackathon, a competition for tech-savvy students who are programmed to serve.
The Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business welcomes three professors to the Tanner Building this fall.
You dreamed you were flying through the sky. What does it mean? Information systems professor James Gaskin has a new app that can help you find out.
The Department of Information Systems and individual faculty members are among the best in the world according to the Association of Information Systems.
College students from around the world gathered on BYU's home turf recently to both compete and work together at the annual Association for Information Systems conference.