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BYU Marriott has successful graduate and undergraduate programs.

A Strategy Society for Everyone

September 22, 2021
What do you get when you combine business strategy and students from 16 different majors? A group dedicated to applying strategic principles to any career.
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From Weddings to Human Resources

September 20, 2021
After landing what she thought was her dream job, BYU Marriott recreation management alumna Miranda Oliver discovered new passions and interests and successfully pivoted to a new career.
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A Facilitator of Big and Small Change

September 17, 2021
As the current chief administrative officer of the city of Provo, BYU Marriott MPA alum Wayne Parker strives to continually look to the future of the city he leads.
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Preparing for Finance Recruitment

September 10, 2021
Every fall, recruiters from finance firms around the country descend on BYU Marriott in hopes of finding their newest interns and future full-time hires.
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The Path to a PhD

September 08, 2021
As a professor at the School of Accountancy at BYU Marriott, Ron Worsham hopes to instill the same passion he feels for accounting within his own students.
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Applying Campus Skills Beyond the Requirements

September 07, 2021
Three BYU Marriott ExDM seniors spent their summers gaining valuable experience and practicing the skills they learned in the ExDM program as interns across the country.
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Guided to BYU

August 27, 2021
Working for the Romney Institute as department secretary, director of student services, and eventually associate director has done more for Catherine Cooper than merely confirm the reality of spiritual promptings she's received throughout her life.
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Managing the Details

August 25, 2021
BYU Air Force ROTC Staff Sergeant Jheran Carter is an example of an inspiring leader who may not always stand under the spotlight.
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Using Experience to Help Young Entrepreneurs

August 20, 2021
Not long after Kim Scoville began teaching at BYU Marriott, she noticed a need for legal knowledge in the entrepreneurship program and decided to do something about it.
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Trials, Tie-Dye, and ExDM

August 18, 2021
As a freshman, Brooke Taylor was searching for more than a major. She wanted to be part of a community that would also develop her personal skills. Then she found the ExDM program.
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From Apple to Anthropology

August 11, 2021
The journey to becoming the first-ever chief operating officer and chief safety officer for the Natural History Museum of Utah was not one that BYU Marriott MBA alumna Abby Curran expected.
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Crossing an Ocean for Her Career

August 09, 2021
School of Accountancy alum Emily Gertsch applies her accounting skills to her current position as a medical director for F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG.
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Skiing the Slopes of Childhood Dreams

August 04, 2021
While entrepreneurship has been a lifelong goal for senior Nathan Miller, he did not fully commit to his dreams until listening to a guest speaker in one of his BYU Marriott classes.
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On a Mission to Cause Change

August 02, 2021
After being inspired by a National Geographic article as a child, information systems student Autumn Clark strives to solve social problems using her technological expertise.
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Finding a New Home

July 30, 2021
After HRM senior Alexis Rankin chose to transfer to BYU and change her lifelong career goals, she found a new community that welcomed and embraced her.
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Invested and Impactful Teaching

July 28, 2021
Whether he's teaching students in a classroom or coaching his players from the sidelines of a volleyball court, BYU Marriott accounting alum RJ Mattei loves learning and teaching in many forms.
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Learning How to Help Others

July 26, 2021
The more Breann Hunt learns about social impact causes, the more the strategic management senior envisions businesses changing the way they operate forever.
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