Excellence in Leadership, Excellence in Life Skip to main content
Alumni Experiences

Excellence in Leadership, Excellence in Life

During the fall 2021 semester, the global supply chain management program at the BYU Marriott School of Business recognized accounting alum Brian Hancock with the Global Supply Chain Excellence Award. Members of the BYU Marriott Global Supply Chain Advisory Board, students, and Hancock’s family gathered at BYU’s Gordon B. Hinckley Alumni and Visitors Center to recognize Hancock’s achievements as a successful C-suite executive, leader in supply chain management, and corporate mentor.

BYU Marriott alum and Global Supply Chain Excellence Award recipient Brian Hancock.
Photo courtesy of Brian Hancock.

The evening commenced with an introduction to the award given by associate professor of global supply chain management Cindy Blair. “The Excellence Award recognizes exemplary supply chain leaders who not only make a difference in the efficiency and processes of supply chains but also make a lasting impact in the lives of those around them,” explained Blair.

Hancock began his remarks at the banquet by sharing the moments in his life that led him to pursue a career in supply chain management. “Ten days after I graduated from the School of Accountancy at BYU Marriott in 1989, I began pursuing an MBA from Virginia Commonwealth University,” shared Hancock. “My educational path to supply chain management was unusual since I studied accounting, not supply chain, and many professionals obtain work experience before completing a master’s degree. I was told I would not succeed, but I learned to never be afraid to take a risk and follow my personal life and career path.”

Brian Hancock speaking after he received the Global Supply Chain Excellence Award.
Photo courtesy of Brian Hancock.

During his career in supply chain, Hancock saw the wisdom in the counsel from Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who encourages individuals to let God prevail in their lives. “Success comes little by little, as does your career,” Hancock advised. “Thirty years ago, I would have never guessed I would have the opportunity to be a leader for multibillion-dollar supply chain process. I recognized God is individually shaping all of us to achieve success, whether that be in our careers or in our personal lives.”

Hancock reflected on the lessons he learned from those he met and supervised during his time in supply chain leadership. “The hundreds of individuals I worked with in supply chain often knew more about local delivery details and needed improvements than I did from my seat in corporate,” Hancock admitted. “Everyone should strive to learn from every experience that they have and from every person that they meet.”

At the end of his remarks, Hancock spoke to current global supply chain students at BYU Marriott. “Global supply chain will be what saves the world,” Hancock promised. “The supply chain process is difficult and requires effort. The key to success is recognizing that one of us is as great as all of us. A delivery truck driver is just as important as the CEO. We each have a role to play in supply chain and in God’s plan.”

Throughout his extensive career, Hancock worked as the president of North America for Martin Bower LLP, the largest suppliers in the McDonald’s organization. While president, Hancock oversaw 10,000 restaurant locations in the North American division with total value exceeding $8 billion. He also served as the chairman of the McDonald’s Distribution Council and the VP of global supply chain for Whirlpool Corporation where he led all supply chain functions. Hancock recently retired from the Kansas City Southern Railroad as the chief marketing officer and chief innovation officer. He and his wife, Kimberly, currently live in Kansas City, Missouri. They have four daughters and nine grandchildren.

Marc Rogers, member of the BYU Marriott Global Supply Chain Advisory Board, spoke highly of Hancock and his contributions to global supply chain during the banquet. “No other person exemplifies the symbol of this recognition better than Brian Hancock,” said Rogers. “Brian leads not only by example but with the best interest of those around him in his mind. The advisory board wishes to extend our congratulations to Brian and his family for this award honoring his leadership and accomplishments.”


Writer: Kaylee Hepbrun