Intel business analyst Jason Packham said there might be a correlation between his winnings on ABC's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and his BYU education. One question asked on the show was, "In which of these languages is the first-person singular subject pronoun always capitalized?" Packham gave the correct answer: English.

"My undergraduate degree helped me with that one," he said. Packham, who studied English as an undergrad and attended the Marriott School for his MBA, appeared as a contestant on the show 22 August. A quick and accurate ordering of rock bands according to first album release placed Packham in the hot seat with the chance of winning $1 million.
"I wouldn't say it's always been a huge dream of mine to go on the show I was never much of a game show fan," Packham said. "But I always liked trivia stuff." He began contacting the show in 1999 and called several times. His persistence paid off early this year when he called a couple more times and finally got through. He answered three multiple-choice questions correctly and was asked to appear on the show.
"Realistically, I didn't think there was much chance [of winning a million], but you always wonder," Packham said. "I could've gone back to New York and won nothing, and it would've been a fun trip."
But Packham didn't walk away empty handed. Correctly answering a series of questions earned him $16,000. Packham said he was stumped by the last question which, had he answered correctly, would have taken him to the next level of earnings. "I had no idea, and I wasn't about to take a wild guess $15,000 was at stake." Having already used his three lifelines, Packham passed on the question and walked away with $16,000.
"Everyone agreed the last question was pretty tough, so that was comforting," he said. "Maybe I should've taken more international courses at the Marriott School," he said. "Then, maybe I'd have known which countries comprise the island of New Guinea."
What is Packham going to do with the money? "I already spent it," he said. "We bought a baby grand piano."
Packham earned his BA in English from BYU in 1994 and his MBA from the Marriott School in 1996. He and his wife, Amanda, reside in Harron, Utah, with their two children.