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Summer 2004 Winter 2005 Winter 2011
Marriott School students and NAC members discuss an ethical dilemma as part of the school’s second annual Business Ethics Case, held in conjunction with the NAC Fall Conference.
What is your calling in life? I have asked that question to hundreds of students. Usually, it creates a lot of anxiety. Worrying about what to do with your life can feel like a personal crisis that doesn’t go away. 
Feeling a little nickel-and-dimed lately? Follow these cost-cutting tips, and you’ll find yourself keeping more and pungling less.
Food. We’re obsessed with it and not just because it meets our daily caloric needs. It can be tempting, captivating, and even adventurous. In fact, culinary novelties are popping up everywhere.
The Kentwood Crusaders were so close. Only one game stood between the girls team and advancement to the national high school rugby championship. “You’ve worked for this all year,” the coach barked. “You’re ready.” Softening her voice, she continued, “But no matter what happens on that field, I want you to remember one thing: ‘No reserves, no retreats, and no regrets.’”
With laptops charged, whiteboards cleared, and markers ready, it’s now up to the Executive MBA students’ careful positioning and strategic thinking to navigate the intricacies of a simulated marketplace. 
Inside the Tanner Building they’re professors who teach finance, ethics, marketing, accounting, and a host of other subjects. But, have you ever wondered what these notable professors do in their spare time?
In an episode of M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter is called to Seoul and leaves Hawkeye in charge. Hawkeye, who instinctively challenges authority, experiences what it’s like to be in charge, and on several occasions, he oversteps his authority. When Potter returns, he sits down with Hawkeye and B.J., who are feuding about B.J. violating one of Hawkeye’s orders. Potter lets the two surgeons go at each other and remains quiet until Hawkeye tries to enlist his support. “Why aren’t you helping me?” Hawkeye asks. “You should be in the middle of this. You’re the commander.”
In a recent conversation with President Gordon B. Hinckley, I described a difficult decision I had made at work—one I should have made sooner. “President, I just wish I were smarter,” I confessed.
This is the second of a five-part personal financial planning series sponsored by the Peery Institute of Financial Services. The next installment, addressing property, casualty, and health insurance, will appear in the Summer 2005 issue.
Second-year MBA students have the opportunity to manage the Marriott School’s $1.4 million stock portfolio—and although it’s called the Silver Fund, it mostly sees green.
Financial shocks may be in your forecast. Decisions now will determine how well you weather future storms.