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Fall 2006 Summer 2011 Winter 2004 Winter 2012
It doesn’t take much to make you feel blue: gray clouds hanging low in the sky or buzzing fluorescent lights casting a cold, clinical pallor. Often the weeks after Christmas become the start of a bleak and seemingly endless winter. You’re pensive and it’s hard to function at work and at home.
If the internet is an information superhighway, social media is a road hog. The web is increasingly being used as a way to connect with chums, strangers, and even celebs.
Jeremy Charlesworth could see the skepticism on his client’s face. She didn’t say it, but he knew what she was thinking: You’re wrong.
Signs mark the entrance: Production Area, Authorized Personnel Only. Inside, observers stand behind a line of caution tape, taking notes intently. In front of them a rumbling machine shuffles orange, green, and yellow balls along conveyor belts, through tubes, and down ramps.
In my career and my life I have found the key determinants to success include one’s ability to take on a challenge and adapt to change. Change comes in many forms: your responsibilities, your callings, and your addresses. 
Some babies are born with the double helixes that turn into blue eyes and heads of light, curly hair. Most people think that innovators are born with special genes, like those that determine physical features, that enable them to be innovators an endowment you either have or you don’t.
All students, at some point, face exam questions that baffle, mystify, or simply confound them. As bright and good-looking as Marriott School students are, we’ve discovered they are no exception. This is where creativity takes flight.
Alison Davis-Blake isn’t one for convention. Her quiet demeanor, questioning mind, and drive to excel have always set her apart. 
The idea had always glowed—however faintly—in the back of Steve Oldham’s mind. He jokes about it now, saying that just like every other missionary who returns from Brazil, he came home with dreams of starting his own Brazilian steakhouse.
It may sound like the concept for the next reality TV hit: give twenty-five undergrads nearly $1 million and turn them loose. But this is no TV show; this is a typical day in one Marriott School classroom.
Their remarks are as varied as their backgrounds, but the speakers share one thing: a desire to inspire the next generation of business leaders. Whether working in health care or in headphones, the NAC lecturers gave nearly 250 students a broader understanding of the business world’s day-to-day tasks. Enjoy the following excerpts from the lecture series’ inaugural semester.
Your credit score is a three-digit number with a large impact. Here’s how to keep your number looking smart and how to understand what goes into calculating your score.
There are bird watchers, and there are whale watchers, but I’m a genius watcher. I am fascinated by the intelligence of others. I notice it, study it, and have learned to identify a variety of aptitudes—even without my binoculars. 
It may be time to reset your browser’s toolbar. With nearly 300 million sites on the web (and counting), finding the best resources online can be a little paralyzing—that’s why we’re here. You might not be plugged into the following cool and innovative sites, but you should be.
It added a slice of humor to Cherie Jones’ day when a co-worker spilled an entire Big Gulp on her keyboard. “I was totally laughing,” she recalls. Her co-worker wasn’t. Jones, a 2001 MAcc graduate and business tax auditor for Loudon County, Virginia, says her colleague panicked as she searched for napkins to salvage the keyboard. Big Gulp or deli sandwich, Jones’ co-worker isn’t the only one whose workstation doubles as an eatery.