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36 results found
Fall 2005 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Winter 2005
If being stuck in traffic has you tearing your hair out, you’re not alone. Modern motorists are saying no to traffic jams, road rage, and high gas prices with fewer drivers on the road today than in 1995.
When comedian Jim Gaffigan takes his young brood on vacation, it’s usually in a giant tour bus between stops on his North American touring circuit. The sleep-deprived father of five, with kids ages one through eight, is best known for his riffs on iconic American food products. But these days it’s his daily observations on parenting that draw the biggest laughs.
Recently appointed as dean, Lee Perry has lofty aspirations for the Marriott School.
Capturing the spirit of the season—and the good-natured personalities of the deans—the Marriott School’s Christmas cards have delighted friends, colleagues, and school supporters for nearly fifteen years.
Gone are the days of travel agents, movie rental clerks, and meter readers. In their place a host of new careers are generated every year, and job seekers must come prepared to fill fresh opportunities.
There’s no better way to hone business skills—and experience a  new culture—than working abroad.
Following the crowd isn’t usually a good idea, but entrepreneurs can generate serious capital by jumping on the crowdfunding bandwagon. That’s the premise of an innovative new course at the Marriott School.
It was an April evening in 1964. J. Willard Marriott had been chosen to receive the coveted Exemplary Manhood Award—the most distinguished award given by BYU students to a person of their choosing.
Every day our Marriott associates welcome three-quarters of a million people to one of our hotels around the world. Today I wanted to share with you our story and a few things I’ve learned about making the most of opportunities.
Professor Bill Baker’s forty-two-Year Quest to teach Presentation Skills 
The lemonade stands have shuttered, the swimming pools are empty, and the yellow buses are back on the roads.
From the mid-level marketing manager to the partner in a top accounting firm, Marriott School grads agree on at least one thing: their first jobs mattered. Despite the mistakes and invariable snafus, most grads look back in awe at how much these first experiences shaped their future successes.
After standing on one foot while trying to decide which printer to buy, students hobble out of 340 TNRB with some extra credit but without the slightest clue what their answers will be used for.
When the best time to talk with Jeff Strong is while he’s on his way to an airport, you know you’ve reached a busy person. Managing a full schedule is a responsibility that Strong may have mastered as well as anyone. For several years he was traveling nearly two hundred days a yearboth domestically and internationally—as global president and chief customer officer for Johnson & Johnson. “Looking back,” he says, “I don’t think anybody could have survived that time without being organized.”
It’s said in the academic world that professors live and die by their research. We’re pleased to report that many at the Marriott School are thriving. Regular publishing in some of the industry’s top journals has put them on the leading edge of business and made some stars in their fields.