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Fall 2001 Fall 2004 Summer 2008 Summer 2014
Three tech-savvy students have redesigned a BYU rite of passage: the search for Provo housing.
The Marriott family is particular about what they attach their name to. Marriott believes that young people with good values and strong character will be the essence of business success in the future.
Coming up with the tagline "Marriott 25" was simple. But the task—twenty-five thousand hours of service—was Monumental. With a capital M.
Preparedness has been preached by the Boy Scouts, the federal government, and Dwight Schrute (remember that episode where he sets the office on fire?). And there are far too many cautionary tales of people and businesses that failed to prepare and faced tragic consequences when disaster struck.
A word of advice to the newest graduates of the School of Accountancy: learn to take a good ribbing—because while you may have just earned a coveted degree from a top-ranked accounting program, you’ve also just entered one of the world’s most-stereotyped professions.
Growing a garden isn’t all weed pulling and sweat. It’s a boon for your health—not to mention your dinner table. In fact, gardeners consume the recommended amount of fruits and veggies nearly twice as often as their non-planting peers.
The Utah Governor’s Mansion was blanketed in soft, blue light. The occasion was World Autism Awareness Day 2014, and buildings across the country were swapping bulbs to highlight a disorder that affects one in sixty-eight American children.
At age ten, Kent Andersen set his sights on being a doctor. He never once doubted his future in medicine—that is, until he submitted his medical school application. To the shock of friends and family, Andersen decided being a doctor wasn’t what he wanted to spend his life doing after all.
With the exterior complete and the interior finish work picking up pace, the Tanner Building Addition is quickly coming to life.
The retirement question often surrounds how much money you’re making, saving, and spending. It’s all about the time when work ends and, presumably, fun begins. You’ve either been stashing cash away, buying stocks, or even building a family business with the possible goal of selling it and enjoying retirement. Yet once retiree life begins, the financial work doesn’t suddenly end. The question now becomes: How will you make your savings last so you don’t run out of money before you run out of life?
If you think about the decisions you make between the ages of eighteen and thirty, you’ll realize they have a fundamental impact on where your life actually ends up.
One month from delivering her third child, Jennifer Jackson Buckner boarded the elevator of her New York high rise holding the hands of her two young boys. Partway down from the twenty-ninth floor, a professionally dressed woman joined them. After watching the family for a few moments, the woman said as she exited the elevator with a smile, “Easier to start a company.”
This is the first of a five-part personal financial planning series sponsored by the Peery Institute of Financial Services. The next installment, addressing insurance, will appear in the Winter 2005 issue.
I want to describe a few of the people who surround me at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). My deputy has a PhD in Islamic philosophy. The person in the office next to mine is a former reporter for National Public Radio. A woman in our administration office is a concert pianist.