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Aside from highlighting innovation, the international Consumer Electronics Show (ces) does one thing really well: draw crowds. Last January 170,000 visitors, including fifty-six students from byu’s MBA Tech Society, convened in Las Vegas to see the latest in intelligent goods.
Ten years ago I was a stay-at-home mom raising five children. As they grew up and left the nest, I wondered how I would spend my time. I had always been busy supporting my husband’s career, living overseas, volunteering, and serving in the Church, but I had never worked in a paid position while raising my children.
Marriott School research shows camp jobs teach essential workforce skills
After a long day at work you come home, put up your feet, and dish out your daily complaints on Twitter.
What if moving halfway around the world wasn’t a grand departure into the unknown but, rather, a return to the familiar?
Locking your doors and windows isn’t enough: modern criminals are more likely to lurk in the shadowy corners of cyberspace than in your backyard. Make safeguarding your data as big of a priority as securing your home.
Suburbs may have verdant, picket-fenced lawns, but for companies seeking talent and innovation, the grass is looking greener in the city.
It added a slice of humor to Cherie Jones’ day when a co-worker spilled an entire Big Gulp on her keyboard. “I was totally laughing,” she recalls. Her co-worker wasn’t. Jones, a 2001 MAcc graduate and business tax auditor for Loudon County, Virginia, says her colleague panicked as she searched for napkins to salvage the keyboard. Big Gulp or deli sandwich, Jones’ co-worker isn’t the only one whose workstation doubles as an eatery.
Two weeks before Kristen DeTienne moved into her new home, she called the phone company to pre-install a new line. The company didn’t come through, and she went for weeks without a phone.
Standing in front of eight corporate leaders worth billions of dollars and presenting them with a new business venture is the epitome of applied classroom learning.
At all levels of government, we need more men and women who are willing to speak the truth, face the facts, take a long-term perspective, and prepare our country and its citizens. Many of these challenges are unprecedented in size, scope, complexity, and potential impact.
David Truscott is a do-it-yourself kind of guy. The Washington state native builds his own furniture, does his own home remodeling, and handcrafts violins that fetch upward of $3,000 apiece. What’s more, the violin maker and auditor recently developed an international supply chain that is expected to boost instrument production to nearly $250,000 this year. Not bad for a twenty-four-year-old.
Leadership has always been about honesty and integrity. No one follows a leader they can’t trust. Trust comes from being open, honest, straightforward, and treating people with dignity and respect. At no time has the organizational leader been more subjected to feelings of distrust than today.
For some people, a vacation is an escape from everything.
a new vacation concept caters to the wealthiest travelers, but are destination clubs economically sound?