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I once knew a man who worked for a major oil company. He managed a large wholesale territory that sold fuel and oil products to airlines and other big accounts. Some years ago, the company decided to pull out of his territory. They offered him the opportunity to buy the wholesale business “for a song,” which he readily accepted. He worked diligently and set specific financial goals for his company. He committed these goals to writing on 3x5 cards and kept them in his shirt pocket so he could frequently review them. Everything he did with that business was aimed at fulfilling these goals.
Aside from highlighting innovation, the international Consumer Electronics Show (ces) does one thing really well: draw crowds. Last January 170,000 visitors, including fifty-six students from byu’s MBA Tech Society, convened in Las Vegas to see the latest in intelligent goods.
Ten years ago I was a stay-at-home mom raising five children. As they grew up and left the nest, I wondered how I would spend my time. I had always been busy supporting my husband’s career, living overseas, volunteering, and serving in the Church, but I had never worked in a paid position while raising my children.
Marriott School research shows camp jobs teach essential workforce skills
After a long day at work you come home, put up your feet, and dish out your daily complaints on Twitter.
What if moving halfway around the world wasn’t a grand departure into the unknown but, rather, a return to the familiar?
Locking your doors and windows isn’t enough: modern criminals are more likely to lurk in the shadowy corners of cyberspace than in your backyard. Make safeguarding your data as big of a priority as securing your home.
Suburbs may have verdant, picket-fenced lawns, but for companies seeking talent and innovation, the grass is looking greener in the city.
According to Albert Einstein, the hardest thing in the world to understand isn’t relativity it’s income tax. And the genius has a point.
With wet eyelashes, Reachel walked out of her bedroom and found a stranger sitting in her apartment. The guy casually resting his elbow on the couch was Andrew, a friend of her roommates. 
Throughout my life I’ve spent countless summer weekends at my parents’ cabin in the Uinta Mountains, where in the early days there was no electricity or indoor plumbing and almost every evening was spent playing games around the kitchen table until the generator would run out of gas.
As he listened to Britt Berrett speak on the first day of class, Joseph Mount had the distinct impression he was looking at his future employer. Berrett’s passion for health care was unmistakable, and Mount wanted to be a part of it.
Cameras flashed as reporters jostled for position. This was the biggest story of the year: Kenneth Lay was surrendering to the FBI. Slapped with a slew of charges alleging he falsified statements to hide billions in losses, Lay’s arrest marked the end of Enron’s empire.