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Summer 2015
Aside from highlighting innovation, the international Consumer Electronics Show (ces) does one thing really well: draw crowds. Last January 170,000 visitors, including fifty-six students from byu’s MBA Tech Society, convened in Las Vegas to see the latest in intelligent goods.
Ten years ago I was a stay-at-home mom raising five children. As they grew up and left the nest, I wondered how I would spend my time. I had always been busy supporting my husband’s career, living overseas, volunteering, and serving in the Church, but I had never worked in a paid position while raising my children.
Marriott School research shows camp jobs teach essential workforce skills
After a long day at work you come home, put up your feet, and dish out your daily complaints on Twitter.
What if moving halfway around the world wasn’t a grand departure into the unknown but, rather, a return to the familiar?
Locking your doors and windows isn’t enough: modern criminals are more likely to lurk in the shadowy corners of cyberspace than in your backyard. Make safeguarding your data as big of a priority as securing your home.
Suburbs may have verdant, picket-fenced lawns, but for companies seeking talent and innovation, the grass is looking greener in the city.