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Feature Fall 2018 Summer 2014 Winter 2011 Winter 2016
A graduation speaker should give graduates a glimpse into who they are—supplying an anchor that allows them to stand firm in the storms of life. Providing that anchor requires unbelievable intelligence, insight, and wisdom—or, if a speaker doesn’t have those, answers from a really good questionnaire!
Six months before he returned home from serving an LDS mission, Tyler Meidell started thinking about what his next steps in life should be. Through his mission experience, he had discovered a passion for serving and leading others, and he wanted to pursue that course when he came home.
Blockchain. Google the word, and you’ll find a plethora of analogies attempting to explain the concept. And no wonder. While the definition appears fairly straightforward—it’s a digital, openly accessible ledger that can be concurrently added to, forming a permanent chain of data “blocks”—understanding how people use blockchain is anything but simple.
With more women earning a heftier slice of the family income, BYU couples adapt and thrive, no matter who brings home the bacon.
Tech smarts and a pair of grants from Google and the National Science Foundation are helping BYU professors at the university’s Neurosecurity Lab lift the lid on computer users’ riskiest behaviors. And with a multimillion-dollar brain scanner at their fingertips, the six researchers are turning heads. -->
The Marriott family is particular about what they attach their name to. Marriott believes that young people with good values and strong character will be the essence of business success in the future.
Coming up with the tagline "Marriott 25" was simple. But the task—twenty-five thousand hours of service—was Monumental. With a capital M.
A word of advice to the newest graduates of the School of Accountancy: learn to take a good ribbing—because while you may have just earned a coveted degree from a top-ranked accounting program, you’ve also just entered one of the world’s most-stereotyped professions.
Marriott School students and NAC members discuss an ethical dilemma as part of the school’s second annual Business Ethics Case, held in conjunction with the NAC Fall Conference.
What is your calling in life? I have asked that question to hundreds of students. Usually, it creates a lot of anxiety. Worrying about what to do with your life can feel like a personal crisis that doesn’t go away. 
The Kentwood Crusaders were so close. Only one game stood between the girls team and advancement to the national high school rugby championship. “You’ve worked for this all year,” the coach barked. “You’re ready.” Softening her voice, she continued, “But no matter what happens on that field, I want you to remember one thing: ‘No reserves, no retreats, and no regrets.’”