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Feature Fall 2018 Summer 2018 Winter 2013 Winter 2022
Experts weigh in on the conversation about diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
A graduation speaker should give graduates a glimpse into who they are—supplying an anchor that allows them to stand firm in the storms of life. Providing that anchor requires unbelievable intelligence, insight, and wisdom—or, if a speaker doesn’t have those, answers from a really good questionnaire!
Six months before he returned home from serving an LDS mission, Tyler Meidell started thinking about what his next steps in life should be. Through his mission experience, he had discovered a passion for serving and leading others, and he wanted to pursue that course when he came home.
Blockchain. Google the word, and you’ll find a plethora of analogies attempting to explain the concept. And no wonder. While the definition appears fairly straightforward—it’s a digital, openly accessible ledger that can be concurrently added to, forming a permanent chain of data “blocks”—understanding how people use blockchain is anything but simple.
On a warm May evening in 1995, Christian Brinton and his high-school soccer teammates gathered for a half-time pep talk during the quarterfinals of the state tournament. Their team was losing, and their coach was not happy about it. Through the course of the half-time speech, their coach quickly escalated from being unhappy to outraged, punctuating his profanity-laced verbal assault by smashing his clipboard on the ground.
How to create a safe, productive work environment for those dealing with mental health conditions.
For Dalton Adams, the dinner hour was shaping up like every other night at In-N-Out Burger. The line of cars stretched from the drive-thru window and wound across the parking lot. Adams was serving hungry customers at the payment window, the usual routine—until the guy in the red car pulled up.
I'm honored to be here at the BYU Marriott School of Business. This is a great school named after a great family. Dick Marriott is a good friend, and he is truly an inspiration.
Throughout my life I’ve spent countless summer weekends at my parents’ cabin in the Uinta Mountains, where in the early days there was no electricity or indoor plumbing and almost every evening was spent playing games around the kitchen table until the generator would run out of gas.
Cameras flashed as reporters jostled for position. This was the biggest story of the year: Kenneth Lay was surrendering to the FBI. Slapped with a slew of charges alleging he falsified statements to hide billions in losses, Lay’s arrest marked the end of Enron’s empire.
Last August I was at a landfill site in So Paulo, Brazil. It had been a dump where people sorted through garbage looking for valuable items so they could put food on their tables.