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Student Experiences


If you were in the Tanner Building on the evening of 24 March 2016, you might have witnessed nearly four hundred women shopping in the halls.

They were not perusing for a new tablet or a pair of shoes but for a college major.

The Women in Business Club’s Major Shopping Event invited female BYU students to find the perfect fit by trying on different business school majors related to their interests.

Guest speaker Elaine Bradley, a BYU alumna and drummer for pop-rock band Neon Trees, addressed the group, sharing her personal experiences with making important life decisions.

“Remember this in your business dealings and in life: there are things beyond our control,” Bradley told attendees. “But not trying, not doing your absolute best, that is unacceptable. So put God first, have an open and wiling heart, and go after what you want.”
The annual event targets female freshman and sophomore students with undeclared majors who want to learn more about the Marriott School and its available programs and resources.

“The evening was successful in that we were able to bring a large group of women into the Tanner Building and show them that it is not an exclusive space,” says Natalie Dolbin, a senior finance major from Newbury Park, California, and copresident of the Women in Business club. “In addition, we had some great presentations and volunteers who really helped these students get a sense of what each of the business majors is really like.”