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Human Resources MPA 2023 1998–1999
Senator Mitt and Ann Romney shared their career and family experiences with MPA students.
As an associate professor at BYU Marriott, Liz Dixon reflects on how her father’s example helped her teach and practice Christlike communication.
The first time senior Tehani Travis applied for a major at the BYU Marriott School of Business, she was sure it was the right path for her—but she didn’t get in. The next year, after much preparation, she applied to two majors and got into both. In front of her, two paths extended into the future, and she had to make a choice.
Jeff Bednar is a ghost hunter. And while the BYU business professor doesn’t have night vision cameras or ultrasensitive recording equipment, he’s found a bunch of ghosts — including several here at BYU.
Although Malissa Fifita now lives far from her native Tonga, she keeps her family and her culture close as she pursues her MPA at BYU Marriott.
Three BYU Marriott faculty receive awards at the 2023 University Conference.
After diverting his route to wander into an institute of religion at the University of Oklahoma, Travis Ruddle found a new life and a new path that would one day lead to teaching in the MPA program at the BYU Marriott School of Business.
Although millions are spent each year on entrepreneurship training that is intended to help alleviate poverty and elevate the quality of life of entrepreneurs in developing nations, these programs often fail to make an impact. BYU researchers and their colleagues have figured out at least one way to change that.
Management professor Peter Madsen has always loved learning. With a 2-million-dollar NSF grant, Madsen is researching train traffic controllers’ use of algorithms.
The MPA program recognized Debby Tucker for her work to end domestic violence and sexual assault.
David Tanner brings the skills he gained through BYU Marriott's MPA program to the state of Georgia, where he consults state leaders, community organizers, and county and city elected officials.
Clark Pew has learned over the course of his life that persistence pays off. The EMPA alumnus now lives in India working for the Department of State.
Confidence and Christ-centered learning helped four BYU Marriott student teams take top places at the 2023 Utah Society for Human Resource Management competition.
To BYU Marriott student Abby Ebert, the human resource management program has encouraged her to step out of her comfort zone and lead with compassion.
Mom of four Liz Mumford knows her way around the school system. Elected to the Davis Board of Education, Mumford is a student in the MPA program
Rosemary O’Leary, a renowned researcher and professor in the public management field, received the 2023 Gary C. Cornia Lecture Series Award from the Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics at the BYU Marriott School of Business. O’Leary, who has written 13 books and more than 135 articles on public management, presented her work on ethics and guerilla government at the award luncheon.
In December 2022, BYU Marriott alum Scott Adams retired after 30 years of service as the CEO of Pullman Regional Hospital in Washington state.
During Kate Toronto's first day of classes at BYU Marriott, she watched in awe as Marcy Fetzer taught a class on human resources.
After working for politicians in Utah and studying theology in Boston, Chris Coombs followed his intuition to the BYU Marriott School of Business.
William Livingston, an MPA student, has been named the 2022 Buckwalter Internship Award recipient by the MPA program in the BYU Marriott School of Business.
The Marriott School at Brigham Young University has announced the appointment of Robert J. Parsons as chair of the Romney Institute of Public Management.