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Experiences Student Spotlight 2023 2010–2014
Senior Kirsten Keith has embraced the BYU Marriott marketing program’s emphasis on community.
Global supply chain student Bryson Schellenberg spent a year in Germany, where he connected with people from all over the world.
Flexibility is the key to success for Lulu Gilbert, a Student Leadership Advisory Council (SLAC) copresident and accounting student at BYU Marriott.
Joseph Edmund, a member of the BYU Air Force ROTC, has worked hard over the past 10 years to make his dream of becoming a US fighter pilot a reality.
The first time senior Tehani Travis applied for a major at the BYU Marriott School of Business, she was sure it was the right path for her—but she didn’t get in. The next year, after much preparation, she applied to two majors and got into both. In front of her, two paths extended into the future, and she had to make a choice.
Although Malissa Fifita now lives far from her native Tonga, she keeps her family and her culture close as she pursues her MPA at BYU Marriott.
One of 15 children, Trixie Judd spent much of her childhood helping raise her younger siblings. Now at the BYU Marriott School of Business, Judd feels at home in the strategy program, where leadership, hard work, and close bonds are valued—just as they were growing up.
From active-duty commission to serving as a member of the Army Reserves, Jared Sturgell is earning his MBA at BYU Marriott while assisting BYU’s Army ROTC.
Information systems student Mason Perry has seen how unexpected opportunities can lead to life changing moments.
Finance student and Brigham Young University track runner Kate Thomas found how to change course when life put unexpected hurdles in her way.
Far from her family and home back in Maryland, Alayna Grossnickle found comfort and camaraderie in the BYU Army ROTC.
Double majoring in marketing and anthropology, Skylar Oreno prioritizes his education on people.
Katelyn Bell, a senior in the ExDM program at BYU Marriott, helped plan the launch for the Sorensen Center for Moral and Ethical Leadership, which included a zipline across Brigham Square on campus.
Justin Giboney, an IS professor at BYU Marriott, understands that providing opportunities for students to hone their skills outside the classroom is essential for career development.
For Ashley Whitesides, pursuing her passions has led her in unexpected directions. As she graduates from BYU Marriott, she’s carving out a unique route for herself.
Mason Dahl, a seventh-generation cattleman and senior in the strategic management program, sees himself as the future cowboy strategist of the beef industry.
To BYU Marriott student Abby Ebert, the human resource management program has encouraged her to step out of her comfort zone and lead with compassion.
BYU Marriott student Danny Dudley studies strategy to bring his passion for environmental conservation issues to business.
Mom of four Liz Mumford knows her way around the school system. Elected to the Davis Board of Education, Mumford is a student in the MPA program
Searching for a career where she could pursue her passions and use her skills, Lexi Shaw turned to the BYU Marriott School of Business and discovered an unlikely candidate: global supply chain management (GSCM). This program helped Shaw, now a senior
When she was in fourth grade, Michaela Horn wanted to run for class president. So when the sign-up sheet landed on her desk, she wrote her name down.
After working for politicians in Utah and studying theology in Boston, Chris Coombs followed his intuition to the BYU Marriott School of Business.
Two years ago, Isaac Briganti had no idea what to major in. Now, thanks to the GSCM program, he has gained impressive experience and a full-time offer with Grainger.
As she looks forward to graduation in April 2023, Shayna Oh looks back on the last five years with gratitude for what she has felt and learned at the BYU Marriott School of Business.