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Employee Experiences Employee Spotlight Helpful Articles Experience Design Information Systems
As an undergrad, Laura Cutler was hooked on using her creativity to optimize user experience. Now an assistant teaching professor, Cutler uses her same creativity to optimize students’ experiences.
Each fall Peter Ward leads his students as they climb Rock Canyon’s rugged walls. Both in rock-climbing classes or ExDM research classes, Ward teaches students how to interlace academic and spiritual studies.
Drawing from her own educational experience, assistant teaching professor Katy Reese guides students in developing the confidence needed to confront and conquer complex IS concepts.
Associate professor of information systems, Ryan Schuetzler is evidence that big decisions can be simplified with a focus on lifelong learning.
Jacob Steffen always knew he would jump at the chance to teach at the BYU Marriott School of Business because of the community and comradery he felt in the IS program as a student.
David Wilson loves getting to the heart of things, whether he is breaking down complicated ideas in the classroom or busting down walls to renovate his house.
Neil Lundberg, the chair of the Department of Experience Design and Management, has witnessed the ExDM program change and evolve.
For Clay Posey, a professor of information systems (IS) at the BYU Marriott School of Business, two things his students do give him pause.
At BYU Marriott, seniors are not the only ones looking for a final project. After teaching for 23 years, Brian Hill searched for a capstone to his ExDM career.
A conversation Ross Storey had with a stranger on his church mission led him to change his career plans. Storey is now an ExDM adjunct professor and works at the MTC.
Brooke Bradford, the events and programs coordinator for the School of Accountancy (SOA) at BYU Marriott, helps bring accounting students, faculty, and alumni together.
ExDM professor Ramon Zabriskie is the 2022 BYU Marriott recipient of the student-nominated Inspiring Learning Award.
When Greg Anderson began his college career at Weber State University on a singing scholarship, he had no idea where his education might take him.
When Camilla Hodge graduated from BYU with a degree in communications, she never imagined she would return to the university 14 years later as a professor at BYU Marriott.
Growing up, information systems professor Nathan Twyman possessed a unique talent: a knack for breaking software.
Fly fisherman and professor Ramon Zabriskie teaches that fly fishing and applying diversity, equity, and inclusion take practice and patience.
Two years after graduating from BYU Marriott with her MISM degree, Katy Reese recognizes how God led her to join the BYU Marriott faculty.

As a professor of experience design and management, Mark Widmer finds ways to combine his love of wilderness exploration with the principles of experience design.

This year, BYU Marriott information systems professors were tasked with reimagining an international conference in the face of the challenges presented by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

For Taylor Wells, a professor of information systems, root beer is more than just a tasty treat. The beverage is also a part of his everyday life as a teacher and mentor.

A career in managing experiences and traveling the world have made Ariadna Mateu uniquely qualified to fulfill her new role in BYU Marriott's ExDM program.

BYU Marriott information systems professor Tom Meservy works to create positive memories for his students and help them understand the things that really count in life.

For BYU Marriott experience design and management assistant professor Sarah Agate, the common phrase "family that plays together, stays together," couldn't be more true.

While working as a white-water rafting guide in central Idaho during high school, Mat Duerden got his first taste of how experience design can impact lives.