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In sports, there’s no better way to learn proper technique than from an accomplished athlete. Likewise, there’s no better way to train for resumé writing and job interviewing than with those who do the hiring.
Standing in front of eight corporate leaders worth billions of dollars and presenting them with a new business venture is the epitome of applied classroom learning.
When Tyler Craig, a Wichita, Kansas, native, began the Marriott School application process, he hadn’t heard much about the school itself, but he’d heard plenty about its accounting program—and he was nervous.
After earning a law degree from Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, Makoto Ishi Zaka found himself spending more and more time away from his family, holed up in the office of the IT company he worked for.
Visiting with top executives, touring bustling factories, and meeting with micro-credit applicants is not an everyday occurrence for Marriott School undergraduate students—unless you happen to be on a business study abroad.
An average person attending a lecture about “model-driven system development” would likely be lost and confused within minutes. Likewise, as Stephen Liddle has attempted to teach this concept in his ISys 532 class, he is often met with blank stares.
By the end of their first class period, MBA students in the power, influence, and negotiations course are engaged in a full-scale, one-on-one negotiation over the sale of a biochemical plant.
While others are making their morning commute down i-15 catching up on news or traffic, Ray Nelson is strolling down University Avenue brainstorming innovative ways students can learn.
Filled with fine granular rock and mineral particles, sandboxes are a child’s paradise. They foster creativity in a realm of seemingly endless possibilities. The pull is so strong they often attract even the family cat.
It’s the new adage of the marketing world: the secret to happiness is spending money on experiences, not things. While the desire for the latest gizmo has long fueled a culture of consumption, lasting memories can make a business a winning one.
Reducing the compensation of a CEO by half is not an easy decision. But for board members with shareholders to consider, tough decisions like these are sometimes necessary.