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Alumni Marketing 2023 2022 2000–2004
You could say that Gerald “Jerry” Petersen earned his master’s degree in marketing from BYU because he loved to sing.
Rebecca McCarron Greenhalgh is no stranger to smart wordsmithing, so it was unusual when she was suddenly speechless during an important Zoom meeting.
Tyler Hardy was one day away from finishing his mission in Veracruz, Mexico, when he got an unexpected phone call. His older brother, Greg, had been seriously injured in a work accident.
When marketing alumna Marinne Pearson was earning her MBA and working part-time, she was also working to rebrand a new company.
After retiring from a long career in sales for startup software companies, Greg Zippi knew exactly what he wanted to do next—teach.
Students in the MBA Marketing Association organized a networking trip to Portland, Oregon, and Seattle last January. They met with companies in the area and with the Puget Sound chapter of the Management Society.
If a company’s name ever had meaning, it’s Phoenix Footwear Group, Inc. The name stems from the ancient Greek myth of the phoenix rising from the ashes—something the Old Town, Maine, company can relate to.