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Classroom Students 2018 1998–1999
As Grant McQueen, director of the MBA program, spoke with MBA students during their exit interviews, he perceived a common thread: many students wanted to develop stronger tech product management (PM) skills.
Corina Slene Cuevas-Pahl has spoken Spanish her entire life, but when she found out that BYU Marriott offered a business language course in Spanish, she signed up.
At some point during their education, every BYU Marriott undergrad takes the M COM 320 class, an advanced writing course required for graduation.
Students at BYU Marriott are not strangers to the idea of networking with their peers, but this year the Global Supply Chain Association have taken it to a new level.
Clayton Christensen and Domo CEO Josh James highlight the first-ever BYU Strategy Professionals Conference.
BYU students shatter worldwide average pass rates on the notoriously difficult CFA Exams.
Rachel McDougal has heard all kinds of HR stereotypes, but make no mistake: she's no Toby Flenderson.
More than 3,500 Utah companies export goods or services internationally, and this semester, students at the BYU Marriott School of Business will help even more companies join those ranks.
New experience design and therapeutic recreation students cultivated new relationships with professors and peers during an outdoor adventure.
Over 800 entrepreneurs participated in one of the largest entrepreneurial networking events in Utah on BYU campus this October.
Two BYU Marriott information systems students were honored at the Women Tech Awards for their influence in the technology sector.
Like many BYU students, Matthew Liddle wanted to leave his mark on the world. But if you were to ask him, he would actually say that he wanted to remove his mark.
A team of four BYU Marriott information systems students took home $1,500 after taking first place in the Wolff BI Competition.
With many businesses discovering the need for social impact programs, BYU Marriott is leading the way through a new course on corporate social responsibility.
The number of cadets enrolled in BYU Marriott's Air Force ROTC program has taken flight, rising from about one hundred in 2012 to more than 180 today.
What do Portuguese, Japanese, and English have in common? They are each a language that Gregory Shibuta speaks. He plans to use his diverse knowledge to lead in the international business world.
As of this semester, the Nonprofit Management Student Association club is the newest program addition to the Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance.
Though Adkins has experience in golf, cartography, and geographic information systems, he found his passion in chocolate while interning for Hershey.
A recent entrepreneurial effort made by a group of BYU students may not be giving hearing to the deaf, but for those who face the challenges of limited or no hearing, the feat is a miracle nonetheless.
In addition to visiting the Great Wall of China and other attractions, students received a unique business perspective on the Asia Pacific Study Abroad.
Daniel Villanova believes "great leaders lead their people from among them." As a CIS recipient in BYU Marriott's MPA program, he plans to improve lives through service and leadership.
The stress of preparing a case study while still completing junior core accounting assignments was not a deterrent for five BYU Marriott students, who won the 2018 EY Beam Abroad Case Competition and a free trip to Iceland.
Fencing, paragliding, and rowing gondolas are a few of the once-in-a-lifetime experiences that students had on the Experience Design and Management Study Abroad.
Service in the US Air Force wasn't enough for one of the newest additions to the EMBA program. He is going back to school to help create a flourishing economy for the people in Mali, Africa.