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Alumni Faculty & Employees Information Systems Nonprofit Management
At the 2024 University Conference, four faculty and staff members at BYU Marriott received awards for their contributions to BYU.
As an undergrad, Laura Cutler was hooked on using her creativity to optimize user experience. Now an assistant teaching professor, Cutler uses her same creativity to optimize students’ experiences.
Drawing from her own educational experience, assistant teaching professor Katy Reese guides students in developing the confidence needed to confront and conquer complex IS concepts.
From his childhood in Côte d’Ivoire to his Church mission in Ghana and a year-long stint in China, Stéphane Akoki had seen a lot before he even started college. Yet he discovered that coming to BYU Marriott widened his world—and his impact.
Associate professor of information systems, Ryan Schuetzler is evidence that big decisions can be simplified with a focus on lifelong learning.
Eight professors joined the faculty at the BYU Marriott School of Business in 2023. “We are excited to welcome these new faculty members,” says Brigitte Madrian, dean of BYU Marriott. “In line with our mission to develop leaders of faith, intellect, and character, these new faculty bring insight and experience that will contribute to the educational experience BYU Marriott offers its students.”
Since graduating with a bachelor’s degree in information systems from BYU Marriott, John Koelliker has relied on authentic relationships in his life to help start his own company.
Jacob Steffen always knew he would jump at the chance to teach at the BYU Marriott School of Business because of the community and comradery he felt in the IS program as a student.
Justin Giboney, an IS professor at BYU Marriott, understands that providing opportunities for students to hone their skills outside the classroom is essential for career development.
When Yara Anabtawi was a student at BYU, her insatiable curiosity and her love for a wide variety of subjects made choosing a major difficult.
David Wilson loves getting to the heart of things, whether he is breaking down complicated ideas in the classroom or busting down walls to renovate his house.
Ching Tong finds joy in building genuine relationships with others. The MISM graduate now lives in New York City and continues to make meaningful connections.
For Clay Posey, a professor of information systems (IS) at the BYU Marriott School of Business, two things his students do give him pause.
In early September, information systems students, alumni, and faculty gathered for a new kind of tailgate, one filled with renewing and creating connections.
Jen Almond was playing a trivia game along with other students during the BYU Marriott School of Business’s new-student orientation when a question popped up that she knew she could answer correctly: “How old is the oldest student in this class?”
As a sharp-minded young boy, Travis Cook was constantly pulling apart alarm clocks, radios, TVs, VCRs—even a BB gun—to examine their pieces.
It’s an unassuming blue box, not much bigger than a deck of cards.
Information systems alumna Ioana Schifirnet recognizes many similarities between art history and one of her personal passions: data analysis.
When Greg Anderson began his college career at Weber State University on a singing scholarship, he had no idea where his education might take him.
When C. R. “Casey” Yadon picked up his phone one day in 1988, he was surprised to find a representative from Walt Disney Imagineering on the other end. A former work colleague had recommended Yadon as just the person to fill an open position, the representative said. Would he be interested in submitting his résumé?
Sam Lentz, a 2007 information systems alum, reflects on how he has grown in his career since graduating from BYU Marriott.
Growing up, information systems professor Nathan Twyman possessed a unique talent: a knack for breaking software.
The Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business welcomes nine new professors this fall.
Two years after graduating from BYU Marriott with her MISM degree, Katy Reese recognizes how God led her to join the BYU Marriott faculty.