The BYU Marriott School of Business celebrated the accomplishments of more than 1,500 undergraduate and graduate students at its convocation ceremonies in April. Prior to walking the stage to receive their diplomas, graduates heard remarks from selected individuals, including Nathan Savage, the president, CEO, and a board member of EnviroServe. Savage shared with graduates ways to elevate their lives by making decisions aligned with BYU Marriott’s vision, mission, and values.

In addition to his roles at EnviroServe, Savage serves on the National Advisory Council for BYU Marriott. He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Brigham Young University and an MBA from West Virginia University.
“The vision of BYU Marriott is to transform the world through Christlike leadership,” Savage explained. “The mission is to develop leaders of faith, intellect, and character. The values espoused by the school are: faith in Christ, integrity in action, respect for all, and excellence.”
He continued, “As you embark on this next phase of life, and throughout the rest of your lives, I hope you will choose a life elevated by evaluating opportunities and making decisions in harmony with the BYU Marriott vision, mission, and values.” Savage then asked, “So, what does applying these principles in your life look like as you navigate your future?”
First, said Savage, “live a life elevated by enjoying the journey.” He explained an elevated life means to disregard wishful thinking and choose happiness in spite of professional or personal circumstances.
“Second, live a life elevated by being a producer,” said Savage. More specifically, he explained that graduates should be producers of service. “The best example of being a producer is the Savior, who went about doing good.” By being a producer of good, he added, graduates live for a higher purpose.
Savage explained that accepting, overcoming, and learning from adversity helps students live an elevated life. “The hard truth is that we often learn the most from those things that try us the most,” said Savage. “Adversity always has a way of finding us, whether or not we intentionally go looking for it. Either way, these trying experiences hopefully smooth the rough edges and refine us in the process.”
Lastly, Savage said to go forward in faith. “In a world of social media influencers and appealing advertising, do you ever stop to consider which choices most heavily sway your thoughts and feelings?”
Savage encouraged graduates, even if they aren’t sure what their future holds, to rely on God— instead of what’s trending—to lead them to where they need to be.
In conclusion, Savage invited graduates to live by BYU Marriott’s ideals throughout their lives. “Today is, indeed, the first day of the rest of your lives. I invite you to determine now to live a life elevated and emulate the vision, mission, and values of the BYU Marriott School of Business by enjoying the journey; being a producer; accepting, overcoming, and learning from adversity; and going forward in faith.”
About BYU Marriott
The BYU Marriott School of Business aspires to transform the world through Christlike leadership by developing leaders of faith, intellect, and character. Named for benefactors J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott, the school is located at Brigham Young University. BYU Marriott has four graduate and nine undergraduate programs with an enrollment of approximately 3,300 students.
Written by Maggie Olsen