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Marriott School Prepares Supplies for School Children

Six-hundred bags filled with school supplies were prepared by Marriott School staff members for children in need. The staff advisory committee sponsored a humanitarian project in conjunction with the fifth annual Marriott School Staff Excellence Awards.

The committee planned a service project in lieu of their annual training session. The project entitled “Because I Have Been Given Much” included filling bags donated from the 2000 Women’s Conference. The supplies — paper, pencils, chalk, scissors and a pencil sharpener — were contributed by Marriott School staff, faculty and the humanitarian division of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the past such supplies have been sent to Guatemala, Somalia, Fuji, Kentucky and Pennsylvania.

In addition to the bags, Dr. Kip Christensen’s two sons, Preston, age fourteen and Quinton, age seventeen, constructed 580 chalk boards for their Eagle Scout projects. Christensen is a faculty member in BYU’s School of Technology.

Adding to the spirit of service, Dennis D. Ashton, assistant commissioner of Church Family Services, spoke to the staff about field studies and international development experiences in Mexico and Kosovo. “Our packets will be going mostly to children in poor areas where Ashton has worked,” said Dyanne Law, Marriott School graduation counselor. “The school bag project fits well with what the Church, the school and the university are doing to promote international service.”

Marriott School staff members recognized for excellent service include: Jean Hawkins, MOB secretary; Joyce Tate, business management secretary; Michael McLaughlin, military science computer specialist; and Peggy Keele, dean’s administrative assistant. “We have an outstanding staff. Each of these individuals demonstrate an outstanding work ethic and dedication to the mission of the Marriott School,” said Dean Ned C. Hill.


Writer: Jenny Stathis (801) 378-1152