U.S.News & World Report ranked Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Management 29th among the nation’s best business schools. The rankings appear in the magazine’s 15 April Best Graduate Schools issue.

“We’re honored by the recognition,” says Ned C. Hill, dean of the Marriott School. “While we prize the character of our graduates above all else, the high ranking speaks to the tremendous quality of our students and the education they receive.”
To pick top graduate programs, U.S. News uses surveys of business school deans and directors, placement statistics, and student selectivity measures, such as GMAT scores, grades and the portion of applicants accepted by the school. The magazine surveyed all 352 accredited master’s programs in business.BYU’s Marriott School moved from 44th to 29th — its highest ranking ever.“We owe a lot to the strong support of our corporate partners,” says Maurice Stocks, assistant dean of corporate development and career services. The school’s strong showing also reaffirms our investment in new career placement facilities.”
Hill adds, “Our increased focus on e-business, entrepreneurship and international business has strengthened the faculty and the students graduating from our programs. We remain committed to educating and developing leaders who embody faith, character and professional ability.”
Stanford, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, MIT, and Northwestern University are ranked one through five in the 2003 report. U.S. News first ranked graduate schools in 1987 and has done so annually since 1990. Full ranking reports are available in the magazine’s newsstand book “Best Graduate Schools” and online at www.usnews.com
The Marriott School is located at Brigham Young University, the largest privately owned, church-sponsored university in the United States. The school has nationally ranked programs in accounting, business management, information systems, organizational behavior and entrepreneurship. The mission of the Marriott School is to educate men and women of faith, character and professional ability who will become outstanding managers and leaders throughout the world. Approximately 3,000 students are enrolled in the Marriott School’s graduate and undergraduate programs.