Marriott School in top 25 for Techno-MBA Programs Skip to main content
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Marriott School in top 25 for Techno-MBA Programs

The Marriott School at Brigham Young University was ranked by Computerworld as having one of the best programs to develop would-be chief information officers and technology savvy executives. The school's Master of Information Systems Management program is ranked 20th in the nation.

Computerworld ranked the Marriott School's Master of Information Systems Management program 20th in the nation.
Computerworld ranked the Marriott School's Master of Information Systems Management program 20th in the nation.

"We're excited to see that our information systems program is so highly rated by Computerworld," said Lee Radebaugh, director of the School of Accountancy and Information Systems at the Marriott School. "Our program has always been first-rate, and our new techno-MBA track will certainly enhance that reputation."

The Marriott School is one of the few nationally ranked business schools to also receive a national ranking for its information technology emphasis.

Released Sept. 27, Computerworld's third-annual top-techno MBA ranking lists the best 25 technology-focused MBA programs. Computerworld conducts the survey to encourage business programs to fill the void companies have for information technology leaders.

The magazine says the advantage of techno-MBA programs is that they combine standard MBA courses in accounting, finance and marketing with a solid background in technology.

Computerworld polled 1,000 campus recruiters and deans of approximately 350 U.S. colleges and universities. The ranking criteria included the quality of technology-focused programs at each school, faculty-to-student ratio, education and background of professors, internships and career placement.


Writer: Peter Carr