Marriott School Finance Program Ranks 9th in the World Skip to main content
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Marriott School Finance Program Ranks 9th in the World

Financial Times, London's premier financial newspaper, ranked the Marriott School as the ninth-best business school for its finance program in a survey comparing business schools covering five continents. Overall, the Marriott School was ranked 71st in the world for its international education.

"This ranking is impressive considering that this is the first year we've been considered in the survey," said Ned C. Hill, dean of the Marriott School. "Our ranking demonstrates our move towards developing an international curriculum and attracting international students."

One of the greatest attractions that brings recruiters to the Marriott School is the uncommon number of bilingual students and the number of languages taught at BYU and the MBA program. The university offers training in 62 languages. In addition, the Marriott School offers business-language training in nine languages. Nearly 80 percent of the school's students are bilingual, more than 20 percent speak a third language and most have lived abroad.

The Financial Times also singled out the Marriott School as the most web-friendly school. Nearly 80 percent of alumni returned their surveys via the Internet. The Financial Times survey, released Jan. 24, covered a broad range of categories, including salary percentage increases, value for money, placement success, faculty with PhDs and international focus.


Writer: Peter Carr