First Management Society Chapter in Africa Formed Skip to main content
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First Management Society Chapter in Africa Formed

The Management Society, the Marriott School of Management’s premier global business network, has yet to extend its reach to Africa — until now. A new chapter in Accra, Ghana, officially launched in March. The newest members of the society are looking forward to creating change for Ghanaians by focusing on the Management Society’s mission to foster integrity in business.

“Being the first chapter in Africa places a huge responsibility on our shoulders,” explains Seth Ayim, president of the new chapter. “We are pioneers leading Ghana and Africa in championing moral and ethical leadership. We come to the table determined to succeed.”

Chapter president Seth Ogoe Ayim poses with keynote speaker Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr.
Chapter president Seth Ogoe Ayim poses with keynote speaker Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr.

The chapter came about through a serendipitous meeting between Ayim and Management Society steering committee member Chet Harmer at an LDSTECH conference in Salt Lake City. Always ready to help other professionals, Harmer encouraged and supported Ayim throughout the process of forming a new chapter.

“There is something unique about Seth,” Harmer says. “It takes a person who can catch the Management Society’s vision but also follow through. He is dependable, works hard and gets results.”

Board members of new Accra, Ghana chapter of the Management Society gather at a launching event.
Board members of new Accra, Ghana chapter of the Management Society gather at a launching event.

The Ghana chapter has already solicited twenty members, including accountants, media professionals and IT managers. To fulfill the Management Society’s goal of developing business leaders, the new chapter members are planning several events to benefit their area.

The first is a quarterly career fair for Ghanaian college students. The new chapter plans on partnering with BYU-Idaho Pathways to assist students with computer fundamentals, English and basic math skills. The group also plans to encourage members to pursue professional development through graduate studies in Ghana and abroad by sponsoring scholarships.

“They are embracing all the ideas of the Management Society,” says Rixa Oman, Management Society executive director. “Their excitement is inspiring. I am confident they will succeed.”

The BYU Management Society links together managers, executives, lawyers, accountants, bankers, investors and other professionals. With more than 90 chapters in 25 countries, the organization is committed to growing moral and ethical leadership around the world in addition to promoting lifelong learning, service and networking opportunities and supporting BYU.

The Marriott School is located at Brigham Young University, the largest privately owned, church-sponsored university in the United States. The school has nationally recognized programs in accounting, business management, public management, information systems and entrepreneurship. The school’s mission is to prepare men and women of faith, character and professional ability for positions of leadership throughout the world. Approximately 3,000 students are enrolled in the Marriott School’s graduate and undergraduate programs.


Writer: Meredith Francom