Eric Varvel, recently named global head of asset management at Credit Suisse, was the featured speaker at Marriott School of Management convocation on April 22.
Varvel graduated with a business management degree in finance from the Marriott School in 1987. Previously, he worked as an analyst for Morgan Stanley in its investment banking department in New York and Tokyo before joining Credit Suisse in 1990. There he has held numerous positions, including as a member of the company’s executive board and in several CEO positions. He and his wife, Shauna, have been married for more than 28 years and have five children.

Speaking to graduates gathered in the Marriott Center, Varvel described how he knew little of Brigham Young University until hearing of experiences told by his companions while on a mission in Japan. He ultimately decided to apply, beginning a special time of life that Varvel says set him on his future course.
“I can trace all of [my] experiences back to my mission,” Varvel said. “No mission, no BYU. No BYU, no Shauna. No Shauna, no family. And no BYU, no interesting career. For me, staying on track, working hard and taking advantage of opportunities as they came available made the difference.”

Varvel then offered a few pieces of advice to graduates as they begin their new careers, including challenges to be authentic, listen, lead, be confident and to love their spouse.
In closing, Varvel gave graduates four challenges:
1) Be a light to the world: “We must challenge ourselves to be examples of service outside of our church communities. When we do this, we gain influence, drive policy and culture, and influence the world for good.”
2) Stand tall and be an advocate: “Let us, as graduates of BYU, be advocates for the victims of ethnic, religious and gender inequality. Stand tall against discrimination.”
3) Give back: “My respect for BYU runs very deep. I don’t believe I came here in 1984 by chance; I take the honor of being educated at BYU as sacred. I actually try to push other banks to be more aggressive with recruiting timetables and numbers so that BYU students have increased opportunities. To me, it is a small gesture of gratitude for being given the opportunity to attend this great school.”
4) Go forth and serve: “Succeed in the occupation that you have chosen; fulfill your destiny. And when you do, come back here and serve the next generation. Give back to the school that has given you such a wonderful experience. I am not talking about hand-outs, I am talking about hand-ups. Lift others as you have been lifted.”

For a complete transcript of Varvel’s speech, click here.
Writer: Jordan Christiansen