I’m an INFJ, red-blue split, and least like an otter. Though that won’t all fit on a nametag, knowing your personality type can help move business along. In Marriott Alumni Magazine’s
Personality Speaking
ENTJ. INTP. ESFP. Make this alphabet soup work for you. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Color Me . . . ?
What motivates you? Does your blue personality drive you to do good? Or are you are you a yellow, fun-loving type? The Color Code
Second Nature
Do you take charge of tasks with a lion-like might? Of maybe you’re more inclined toward snap decisions like a playful otter? The Smalley Institute, a marriage counseling organization, has taken the traditional DISC personality test and added easy-to-remember animal types. For more in-depth information on these types, check out Dave Ramsey’s take
Working Type
Remember those high school career inventories? Well, you may be much further along in your career, but a quick interest inventory might spark some ideas of passions previously forgot. BYU offers several free career assessments