The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants recently appointed Marriott School of Management associate dean Steve Glover to its Auditing Standards Board. Glover will meet with the board four times a year to update and revise the standards followed by the AICPA’s 400,000 members across the country.
“It’s an honor to be appointed,” Glover says. “It’s a compliment to BYU to be recognized as having faculty that can contribute to the profession.”

Glover will assume the position in January 2015 and succeed Kay W. Tatum of the University of Miami. He anticipates serving a three-year term.
The Auditing Standards Board is the national authority on setting and regulating audit standards for CPAs providing services in the private sector. The mission of the ASB is to serve the public interest by developing, updating and communicating comprehensive standards and guidance that enable practitioners to provide high-quality, objective audit and attestation services. One seat on the board is reserved for an academic to provide perspective in assisting the ASB to carry out its mission. Other board members are current practicing professionals from large accounting firms.
Glover was named associate dean of the Marriott School in July 2013 after serving as chair of the School of Accountancy since May 2012. Along with his duties at the Marriott School, Glover performs extensive research in the accounting field and has published more than twenty works in financial journals. This reputation of accounting knowledge, along with previous volunteer work at the AICPA, qualified him for a place on the board. Glover’s research allows him to evaluate auditing procedures being put into practice at large firms, which helps his academic audience be more effective in the classroom.
“A theme of my research is how to improve audit quality,” Glover says. “A lot of the papers I work on ask, ‘How do we improve the service that’s important to our capital markets?’ We are seeing a movement from standard setters across the world to focus on improving audit quality.”
Glover isn’t the only BYU School of Accountancy faculty with AICPA leadership experience. His colleague, Professor Doug Prawitt, ended his service on the board six years ago.
Ahava Goldman, senior technical manager of audit and attest standards at the AICPA says, “BYU has excellent faculty and, by providing them time to volunteer with the Auditing Standards Board, a tradition of helping the auditing profession.”
The Marriott School is located at Brigham Young University, the largest privately owned, church-sponsored university in the United States. The school has nationally recognized programs in accounting, business management, public management, information systems, and entrepreneurship. The school’s mission is to prepare men and women of faith, character and professional ability for positions of leadership throughout the world. Approximately 3,000 students are enrolled in the Marriott School’s graduate and undergraduate programs.
Writer: Madison Nield