Nearly 150 attendees convened in Provo for the BYU School of Accountancy’s annual conference on 7 November 2014. Alumni and several SOA faculty members participated in the daylong event that featured twelve speakers presenting topics ranging from private equity trends and issues in auditing revenue to cyber security. Keynote speakers included BYU's Jeff Dyer, Horace Beesley Professor of Strategy, and Ron McMillan, a New York Times bestselling author and recognized authority on the social sciences of leadership, communication, and organizational change.

Alumni had the chance to reconnect with past colleagues and current faculty and all were introduced to the SOA’s new Alumni Connection Plan. To better keep in contact with graduates, the plan features a system of leaders who regularly contact classmates and relay information about job opportunities and life milestones to the SOA alumni network. An added social media presence on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter will bring further avenues of communication. The SOA also plans to improve its network in coming years with more outreach efforts, including city visits and tailgate parties.
"Anytime we can strengthen our alumni connections, it helps our students and our alumni," says Jeff Wilks, SOA director. "We are learning more about the jobs our alumni have in order to help our students as they network and begin their careers."
All SOA alumni are welcome to attend the annual conference which will be held in October or November each year. Alumni communications will send an informational email in May with more details. If you’d like to receive this information and other alumni news, please update your information on BYU's website or contact Jennifer Maroney at
Writer: Madison Nield