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Highlights of classes offered at BYU Marriott

A Cyber Attack Escape Room

July 14, 2020
Imagine hacking into a Furby, picking a lockbox, shooting targets with Nerf guns, diving into piles of (clean) trash, and sliding under string “laser beams,” all with the end goal of identifying—and then fixing—vulnerabilities in a wireless computer security system.
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A Semester with Walmart

March 04, 2020
The summer of 2020 will bring big things for Katelynne Hinckley flying to Walmart's worldwide headquarters in Arkansas. Read more about the process and experiences that landed her a dream internship.

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Experiencing the Good Life

November 20, 2019
Walking timidly into the Tanner Building for her first class of her freshman year, Melissa Trautman didn’t know what to expect from the class or from her future BYU experience. She hoped the course title, Creating a Good Life, would come to literal fruition, but she had no idea the significant impact the class would have on her life.
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Creating a More Inclusive Environment

July 29, 2019
When the BYU Marriott Inclusion Committee gathered data about students’ experiences in the business school, the committee discovered many individuals desired further guidelines on developing inclusive behavior that they could carry with them into the workplace.
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How to Live a Meaningful Life

January 30, 2019
Have you wondered what your life is going to be like after college graduation? Do you dream about making a difference with your career, yet worry that it won't be financially viable?
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Building a Tech PM Bridge

October 22, 2018
As Grant McQueen, director of the MBA program, spoke with MBA students during their exit interviews, he perceived a common thread: many students wanted to develop stronger tech product management (PM) skills.
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The Language of Business

July 03, 2018
Corina Slene Cuevas-Pahl has spoken Spanish her entire life, but when she found out that BYU Marriott offered a business language course in Spanish, she signed up.
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The Secret Sauce of Business

March 27, 2018
At some point during their education, every BYU Marriott undergrad takes the M COM 320 class, an advanced writing course required for graduation.
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Thinking Like Leaders

November 29, 2017
Reducing the compensation of a CEO by half is not an easy decision. But for board members with shareholders to consider, tough decisions like these are sometimes necessary.
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Creating a Different Kind of Product

May 11, 2017
It’s the new adage of the marketing world: the secret to happiness is spending money on experiences, not things. While the desire for the latest gizmo has long fueled a culture of consumption, lasting memories can make a business a winning one.
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Building Stories, Branding Leaders

October 11, 2016
Gandhi has a story. Winston Churchill has a story. Martin Luther King Jr. has a story. Great leadership is interwoven with great stories, and often this leadership comes when leaders perceive the power of their own stories.
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Generating Buzz, One Viral Post at a Time

June 03, 2016
You’re scrolling through Facebook, and a video catches your eye. A man is riding a horse on a beach and telling you he is the man your man could smell like.
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Giving Grants, Gaining Experience

February 10, 2016
When you have millions to give, wanting to make a difference is not just an idle wish. The biggest challenge is deciding which nonprofit can bring your vision to life.
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Breaking Down Revenue Reporting Word by Word

October 08, 2015
It started out as a nutty idea, says Jeff Wilks, director of the School of Accountancy. How could students really dive into the topics that current accounting professionals are dealing with?
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BYU Takes on Big Data

June 03, 2015
After a long day at work you come home, put up your feet, and dish out your daily complaints on Twitter.
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Pressure Makes Perfect During INTEX

February 13, 2015
Sickness, car wrecks, and births—INTEX, the weeklong rite of passage for information systems students, stops for nothing.
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Off-Campus Housing 2.0

October 08, 2014
Three tech-savvy students have redesigned a BYU rite of passage: the search for Provo housing.
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Finance Students Set Sail for Real-World Experience

October 08, 2014
Katalin Bolliger’s first trip outside of the United States was just the experience she wanted—eight thousand miles away from campus and surrounded by tigers and elephants.
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