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Fall 2001 Summer 2004 Summer 2005 Winter 2002
Judith Martin, of Miss Manners newspaper fame, wrote in a recent column, "Question: At what age should children be taught how to eat properly? Answer: In their mid-to late-twenties. Question: What is the best venue for this instruction?
This is the third of a five-part personal financial planning series sponsored by the Peery Institute of Financial Services. The next installment, about getting out of debt, will appear in the Fall 2005 issue.
In finance there’s a well-known problem called the principal-agent conflict. The conflict arises when managers and owners of a firm have different incentives. When that happens, managers may make decisions that benefit themselves at the expense of owners.
A student-initiated fundraiser is reaching new heights at the Marriott School. The second annual Corporate Climb, held 26 March 2005, helped raise more than $12,000 for the school’s annual fund. Participants sprinted up stairs and raced around corners—but not because they were late for class.
Financial shocks may be in your forecast. Decisions now will determine how well you weather future storms.
Some of your favorite faculty pick their favorite books. Professors are used to telling you what to do, and just because you’ve graduated don’t think they’re about to stop.
You pull up to seven Gs in a bobsled seven times earth's gravitational pull. It's tough sledding. Fraser Bullock knows that from his experience on the bobsled track at Utah's Olympic Park. He had just signed on as CFO and COO of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee and wanted to understand what it was like to be an Olympic athlete. "I looked in the sled and there were chains, apparently to keep people from climbing out halfway down," he laughs. Bullock quickly discovered why someone might want to climb out. "It was like a monster roller coaster ride times ten," he continues. "And when you get to the bottom, you realize that the difference between gold and silver is one one-hundredth of a second. The expertise of these athletes is mind boggling."
You are a very select group whose contributions in the years ahead will be monumental. I know many of those who will be your teachers and your mentors. You are not likely to understand tonight what a rare group they are.
It's an honor for me to be here today. Every time I get in an awesome situation like this I think of a story that took place several years ago when my family and I lived on the west coast. Our oldest boys, who were seven and eight at the time, decided to take a friend to church with them one Sunday. This young boy had never been to our Church before.
Ken Batson has been a CPA for thirty-two years getting up, eating breakfast, and heading to work. A partner at Sharp, Thunstrom, & Batson, a small accounting firm in La Mesa, California, Batson was complacent as a CPA. He'd heard the warnings about massive changes coming to his
As a community college business instructor, I must stay current on the latest business developments and technologies. I have incorporated three things into my continuing education regimen that I have found helpful.