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Fall 2009 Summer 2004 Summer 2005 Winter 2002 Winter 2007
Tinker Bell sprinkles her pixie dust, Mickey and his pals stand ready, and everything is in place for another magical day at the happiest place on earth. But this day at Walt Disney World promises to be a little different.
On 19 March 2009 BYU student Steve Hansen wasn’t in the Tanner Building atrium eating lunch with his peers. He wasn’t in Provo, in Utah, or even in the country. Hansen was across the Atlantic eating salmon and caviar with foreign dignitaries, government officials, and international investment CEOs at an invitation-only gala dinner at the Hotel de Paris in Monaco.
At Wal-Mart headquarters in Arkansas, Greg Chandler is holding a paperless meeting. Instead of handing out copies of his presentation, he flips open his laptop and turns it around. Rather than finishing the meeting in the office, Chandler invites his associate to join him on a walk outside. He makes sure he shuts off the lights on his way out.
Early in the semester of his supply chain strategy class, Stan Fawcett stands in front of his students with a fresh, yellow ear of corn in his hand.
Filled with fine granular rock and mineral particles, sandboxes are a child’s paradise. They foster creativity in a realm of seemingly endless possibilities. The pull is so strong they often attract even the family cat.
I belong to a family that likes to put puzzles together. Mom and Dad were avid constructers. My sister and her husband frequently have a table in their living room with a puzzle underway. And my brother could search for hours to find a key piece.
The Marriott School Acquires the Recreation Management and Youth Leadership Department
Adrenaline pumping, Brandon Barnes, an accounting student from San Antonio, jumped into action as the race car squealed to a stop. As classmates worked to quickly remove a tire, he stood ready with the replacement.
Last year, Kim Clark, then dean of Harvard Business School, talked about how he learned to ride the high country with his father when he was a boy in Southern Utah. He emphasized how being on the tops of the mountains allowed a person to see the broad vistas of life.
How the Marriott School Gives Future Professors a Head Start
Born in Salt Lake City, young Kay Whitmore spent his teenage years working away from home—at a fish cannery in Alaska, a dude ranch in Arizona, and a slaughterhouse in Utah. Little did those close to him know he would rise to lead Kodak, one of the world’s largest multinational corporations.
If you ask Jesse Crisler what he remembers most from a recent morning news program, you may be surprised. It wasn’t the celebrity guests, popular host, or sports beat. What stands out in his mind is a question the host asked his guest. It went something like this: “In lieu of this situation, what would be your take on the issue?”