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Fall 2010 Summer 2021 Winter 2004
So you went to business school. But it’s been a few years . . . And perhaps some of the recent economic news has left you a little befuddled. We’ve unscrambled some particularly tricky terms that will put you back at the head of the class.
You know you’re in Hong Kong when you smell it. First, it’s flowery-sweet, popcorn-esque jasmine rice. Next, it’s incense from the factories that line the coast just to the north.
Throughout our lives we may ascend to many summits. These climbs have unique challenges that require us to prepare and approach each one differently.
Commencement—or the ability to begin or start something—is a vital part of life. Boris Pasternak, a Nobel Prize-winning Russian poet, once described the talent and art of writing as “boldness in the face of the blank sheet.”