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Student Experiences Fall 2008 Summer 2006 Winter 2012 Winter 2014
Four students walk into a room: a chemical engineer, statistician, computer scientist, and business strategist. It might sound like the beginning of a gag, but bringing together savvy students from a variety of disciplines is what the Marriott School’s Crocker Innovation Fellowship is all about.
Signs mark the entrance: Production Area, Authorized Personnel Only. Inside, observers stand behind a line of caution tape, taking notes intently. In front of them a rumbling machine shuffles orange, green, and yellow balls along conveyor belts, through tubes, and down ramps.
An average person attending a lecture about “model-driven system development” would likely be lost and confused within minutes. Likewise, as Stephen Liddle has attempted to teach this concept in his ISys 532 class, he is often met with blank stares.
In sports, there’s no better way to learn proper technique than from an accomplished athlete. Likewise, there’s no better way to train for resumé writing and job interviewing than with those who do the hiring.