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Feature Fall 2001 Summer 2009 Summer 2011
Their remarks are as varied as their backgrounds, but the speakers share one thing: a desire to inspire the next generation of business leaders. Whether working in health care or in headphones, the NAC lecturers gave nearly 250 students a broader understanding of the business world’s day-to-day tasks. Enjoy the following excerpts from the lecture series’ inaugural semester.
There are bird watchers, and there are whale watchers, but I’m a genius watcher. I am fascinated by the intelligence of others. I notice it, study it, and have learned to identify a variety of aptitudes—even without my binoculars. 
A human resources consultant describes the situation as “the worst.”
I recently watched a report on CNN that said more than 40 percent of American households have credit card debt of $5,000 to $20,000, and more than 3 percent of U.S. households carry credit card debt of more than $40,000.
When Traci Stathis' client mentioned he was soon going on a two-week vacation to Florida, she supposed he wouldn't be available to review drafts or give feedback on their brochure.
Several weeks ago, I traveled to the north side of Chicago to visit my son. I drove from downtown Chicago to Lincoln Park, where he lives. As I turned onto Clybourn Avenue, I suddenly encountered a scene that I hadn’t seen or thought of in years—the Clybourn Gospel Chapel.
Over the next year, many of you will go through a performance review. your direct supervisor will evaluate the contribution that you have made to the success of the organization and help you develop a plan to build on your strengths and focus on opportunities you have to improve.
Most people who work for the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) leave with the same going-away gift: a frame containing all the covers of the standards they helped publish while there.