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I once knew a man who worked for a major oil company. He managed a large wholesale territory that sold fuel and oil products to airlines and other big accounts. Some years ago, the company decided to pull out of his territory. They offered him the opportunity to buy the wholesale business “for a song,” which he readily accepted. He worked diligently and set specific financial goals for his company. He committed these goals to writing on 3x5 cards and kept them in his shirt pocket so he could frequently review them. Everything he did with that business was aimed at fulfilling these goals.
A graduation speaker should give graduates a glimpse into who they are—supplying an anchor that allows them to stand firm in the storms of life. Providing that anchor requires unbelievable intelligence, insight, and wisdom—or, if a speaker doesn’t have those, answers from a really good questionnaire!
Six months before he returned home from serving an LDS mission, Tyler Meidell started thinking about what his next steps in life should be. Through his mission experience, he had discovered a passion for serving and leading others, and he wanted to pursue that course when he came home.
Blockchain. Google the word, and you’ll find a plethora of analogies attempting to explain the concept. And no wonder. While the definition appears fairly straightforward—it’s a digital, openly accessible ledger that can be concurrently added to, forming a permanent chain of data “blocks”—understanding how people use blockchain is anything but simple.
Marriott School students and NAC members discuss an ethical dilemma as part of the school’s second annual Business Ethics Case, held in conjunction with the NAC Fall Conference.
What is your calling in life? I have asked that question to hundreds of students. Usually, it creates a lot of anxiety. Worrying about what to do with your life can feel like a personal crisis that doesn’t go away. 
The Kentwood Crusaders were so close. Only one game stood between the girls team and advancement to the national high school rugby championship. “You’ve worked for this all year,” the coach barked. “You’re ready.” Softening her voice, she continued, “But no matter what happens on that field, I want you to remember one thing: ‘No reserves, no retreats, and no regrets.’”
Throughout our lives we may ascend to many summits. These climbs have unique challenges that require us to prepare and approach each one differently.
Commencement—or the ability to begin or start something—is a vital part of life. Boris Pasternak, a Nobel Prize-winning Russian poet, once described the talent and art of writing as “boldness in the face of the blank sheet.”