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Alumni Experiences Feature Winter 2003 Winter 2005 Winter 2010
Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.” His profound statement may explain the fantastically varied results of millions of New Year’s resolutions that Americans make each January. By summertime many of us have achieved our goals. Others have given up. And still a few of us muscle onward, clinging courageously to goals we have set but not yet met. 
The start of each new calendar year prompts serious reflection upon the events of the past. Two-thousand and nine presented a host of monumental challenges for students, faculty, and programs at the Marriott School.
Inside the Tanner Building they’re professors who teach finance, ethics, marketing, accounting, and a host of other subjects. But, have you ever wondered what these notable professors do in their spare time?
In an episode of M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter is called to Seoul and leaves Hawkeye in charge. Hawkeye, who instinctively challenges authority, experiences what it’s like to be in charge, and on several occasions, he oversteps his authority. When Potter returns, he sits down with Hawkeye and B.J., who are feuding about B.J. violating one of Hawkeye’s orders. Potter lets the two surgeons go at each other and remains quiet until Hawkeye tries to enlist his support. “Why aren’t you helping me?” Hawkeye asks. “You should be in the middle of this. You’re the commander.”
In a recent conversation with President Gordon B. Hinckley, I described a difficult decision I had made at work—one I should have made sooner. “President, I just wish I were smarter,” I confessed.
This is the second of a five-part personal financial planning series sponsored by the Peery Institute of Financial Services. The next installment, addressing property, casualty, and health insurance, will appear in the Summer 2005 issue.
Second-year MBA students have the opportunity to manage the Marriott School’s $1.4 million stock portfolio—and although it’s called the Silver Fund, it mostly sees green.
Industrious alaskans have developed unique stress management techniques. Many employers in the northern region give employees “subsistence leave” as a negotiated benefit. How do the thrifty natives use their subsistence leave? They prepare for the cold months ahead by drying and packaging hundreds of fish and enjoy family time together handpicking quarts of blueberries. 
Assistant Dean Joseph D. Ogden discusses the growing impact of fraud with international fraud expert and Associate Dean W. Steve Albrecht. Albrecht has published more than eighty articles in professional journals and numerous books on fraud, personal finance, and accounting. Throughout his career he has consulted for more than sixty-five organizations including British Petroleum, Bank of America, General Motors, IBM, the United Nations, and the FBI. In addition, he has served as an expert witness in twenty-six major fraud cases, the largest of which was $2.8 billion. Finally, Albrecht has been recognized by Accounting Today as one of the top one hundred most influential people in accounting.
My family and I are very proud to have our name associated with this great school—not only because it’s a terrific educational institution, but because we espouse similar values.