The start of each new calendar year prompts serious reflection upon the events of the past. Two-thousand and nine presented a host of monumental challenges for students, faculty, and programs at the Marriott School.

Students began fall 2009 understanding that our economy was under great pressure, families were struggling, and the prospect for academic scholarships or other much-needed financial support from the Marriott School was at its lowest level in years. Endowments that traditionally provided student support had lost significant principle and did not have earnings available for distribution. The number of students seeking help was truly heartrending.
Despite the tough economic news, students remained steadfast in pursuing their education. Many committed additional hours to part-time jobs in order to weather the storm.
Realizing the significant financial challenges at BYU, the Marriott School’s National Advisory Council began planning ways to ease the situation—ensuring that 2010 will be the start of another season of growth and strong placement.
As a professional school, we have long recognized the need to close the loop on a student’s education by helping him or her find a job. We know that the first job a student takes will in large measure set the course of his or her career.
Soon you will be hearing from Dean Gary Cornia and NAC chair Sterling Jenson about an exciting initiative we are calling the “opportunity campaign,” designed to secure the future for our students.
The campaign is a two-pronged initiative intended to cover immediate priorities and to meet long-term needs. Given the plethora of challenges today, we are focusing our energies and directing alumni and advisor support to areas we feel will have the greatest impact.
With the events of the past, we cannot approach the seriousness of our planning with paltry answers from tea leaves but must engage in sound principles of calculated planning. The recession has profoundly changed the academic landscape, including current endowments, operating budgets, and a host of other critical factors. These changes will affect the school for the next several years. Now is truly a time to leverage our strengths, to engage our internal and external constituencies, and to firmly align our strategic relationships.
This is a perfect time for refreshment and renewal of our commitment. We look forward to sharing more information with you in the next few months. As you are a valued stakeholder in the BYU Marriott School, your thoughts and suggestions are welcome. Please feel free to contact us at
On behalf of the Marriott School, we send our best wishes to you for a successful and rewarding new year.
Ron Seamons
Assistant Dean