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Student Spotlight Experience Design Marketing
To senior Seth Knowlton, the president of the Marketing Association, succeeding in a leadership role isn’t about being a natural leader—it’s about being passionate, involved, and invested in helping others do their best.
Macy LeCheminant began college with plans to become a professional vocalist, but a medical diagnosis altered those plans. Now an ExDM student, LeCheminant allows her optimism to shape her opportunities.
Two weeks into his first semester at Brigham Young University, Aaron Scribner sustained severe facial injuries in a grisly zip-lining accident. Though his injuries altered his life for four months, the experience design and management (ExDM) student at the BYU Marriott School of Business overcame a steep recovery and found a renewed drive to positively impact others.
Senior Kirsten Keith has embraced the BYU Marriott marketing program’s emphasis on community.
Katelyn Bell, a senior in the ExDM program at BYU Marriott, helped plan the launch for the Sorensen Center for Moral and Ethical Leadership, which included a zipline across Brigham Square on campus.
When she was in fourth grade, Michaela Horn wanted to run for class president. So when the sign-up sheet landed on her desk, she wrote her name down.
April Teames Gantz, a senior in the user experience (UX) design program at BYU, finds joy through working with teams in the BYU Marriott's Rollins Center.
Alexa Fox is using the BYU Marriott experience design and management program's blend of creativity and business skills to prepare for a career in consulting.
Jordan Sitterud, a native of Roseville, California, has always admired basketball player Michael Jordan.
Preston Haight, a senior at BYU Marriott, shares his faith led story to developing a passion for the world of marketing.
After initially failing BYU Marriott's introductory marketing class, Trapper Denton persevered and now helps other students do the same.
When Allie Jensen lost her mother to a lifelong battle with multiple sclerosis, she thought she would never be able to attend college. Now she is a brand-new BYU Marriott graduate.
After taking classes for three potential majors at BYU and not finding what he was looking for, Joshua Beacham finally discovered the ExDM program.
After returning home from her mission, ExDM senior Emma Houghton resurrected two pre-mission interests in unexpected ways.
BYU Marriott marketing senior, Dustin Leonard discovered that success comes through mentorship, pursuing his marketing passions, and seizing opportunities.
As a freshman, Brooke Taylor was searching for more than a major. She wanted to be part of a community that would also develop her personal skills. Then she found the ExDM program.
Inspired by the help and guidance he received from his peers and professors at BYU Marriott, marketing senior Parker Stohlton decided to give back.

Most people would not move by themselves to an island they had never visited in the middle of a global pandemic. BYU Marriott TRM senior Stephanie Janczak is not one of those people.

The four years a student spends in high school are a time of growth, fun, and if you're BYU Marriott marketing senior Spencer Call, coming up with creative solutions to help a company save thousands of dollars.

Whether he's selling ski gear or helping nonprofits refine their marketing strategies, senior Cameron Fry uses the skills from the BYU Marriott marketing program to make an impact.

After growing up in war-torn Jerusalem, Jeannine Mosarsa, a senior in BYU Marriott's marketing program, found a second family with the Marketing Association.

For Samuel Sorensen, a senior in BYU Marriott's marketing program, pursuing an education in marketing also allows him to pursue his passion.

As president of the Marketing Association, Emily Beukers fell in love with leadership. I think a lot about servant leadership," she says. "To me, Christ is the best example of that principle."
The ExDM program fit Stringham's ideal major because she received the business core she needed while her major classes were focused on creative areas.