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Faculty & Employees Accounting Information Systems 2023 2020
Eight professors joined the faculty at the BYU Marriott School of Business in 2023. “We are excited to welcome these new faculty members,” says Brigitte Madrian, dean of BYU Marriott. “In line with our mission to develop leaders of faith, intellect, and character, these new faculty bring insight and experience that will contribute to the educational experience BYU Marriott offers its students.”
Associate professor of information systems, Ryan Schuetzler is evidence that big decisions can be simplified with a focus on lifelong learning.
“How do we carry His name?” Abigail Allen, an associate professor in the BYU Marriott School of Business, considered this question during her devotional on Tuesday.
Understanding that there’s not one right path for everyone, teaching professor of accountancy Melissa Larson works to inspire confidence in students no matter their goals.
Jonathan Liljegren knew early on that he loved accounting, teaching, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now at BYU Marriott, he loves being able to combine all three.
Accounting faculty Sheri Thomas, single mother and former CFO, has never let challenges keep her from moving forward.
Jacob Steffen always knew he would jump at the chance to teach at the BYU Marriott School of Business because of the community and comradery he felt in the IS program as a student.
For Zack Fox, the importance of always showing up applies in football, life, and in his new role as an assistant professor of accounting.
Justin Giboney, an IS professor at BYU Marriott, understands that providing opportunities for students to hone their skills outside the classroom is essential for career development.
As a new associate professor of accounting, Brant Christensen uses his experience and love for teaching to help students navigate college life.
After living and working in Seattle, New York, and Ohio, Jon Kerr—a brand-new School of Accountancy professor, tax law fanatic, and part-time beekeeper has circled back to BYU—the place where his family and his dreams of teaching began.
David Wilson loves getting to the heart of things, whether he is breaking down complicated ideas in the classroom or busting down walls to renovate his house.
For Taylor Wells, a professor of information systems, root beer is more than just a tasty treat. The beverage is also a part of his everyday life as a teacher and mentor.

This year, BYU Marriott information systems professors were tasked with reimagining an international conference in the face of the challenges presented by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

BYU Marriott information systems professor Tom Meservy works to create positive memories for his students and help them understand the things that really count in life.

The American Accounting Association recently awarded David Wood, BYU Marriott professor of accounting, recently the Innovation in Accounting Award.

School of Accountancy director and faculty member Doug Prawitt was recently awarded the prestigious KPMG Mentoring Award from the American Accounting Association.

Congress has authorized roughly $3 trillion in COVID-19 relief assistance. With more relief money on the way, a new study led by two SOA professors found these newly available funds led to a significant surge in health sector lobbying activity.
Whether she's teaching in the classroom or conducting her own research, BYU Marriott professor Abigail Allen strives to ask challenging questions that don't take the status-quo rules for granted.

BYU Marriott School of Business dean Brigitte C. Madrian announced the appointment of Stephen Liddle as the new chair for the Department of Information Systems. Liddle began his new role on 18 May and takes over for Bonnie Anderson, who recently became associate dean at BYU Marriott.
BYU Marriott faculty members are deeply committed to both top-tier research and individual student success which creates a distinctive learning environment.
Since losing his mom at just eight years old, professor Josh Lee has relied on a cassette tape recording she left him to guide him throughout his life that led him back to BYU Marriott.