Original CIS Recipient Returns to Speak on Business Ethics Skip to main content
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Original CIS Recipient Returns to Speak on Business Ethics

After a 17-year absence, the first recipient of the Cardon International Sponsorship returned to Brigham Young University to advise business students on ethical dilemmas in the workplace.

In 1986 Danilo Talanskas of Brazil was the first student to be awarded the CIS — a program to help international students receive graduate degrees from the Marriott School of Management and return to their native countries to be strong leaders in the church and community.

Danilo Talanskas

“There’s no way Danilo could have afforded to bring his family from Brazil to BYU at that time without the CIS program,” says Brad Agle, professor of ethics and leadership at the Romney Institute of Public Management. “Danilo has certainly epitomized what the award hopes to achieve.”

Having received so much from BYU it was now Talanskas who was able to give back to the university and its students. He drew from his experience presiding over three Fortune 500 companies in Brazil as he spoke to students about the importance of ethics in business.

“I have seen great careers go down the drain because of unethical behavior,” Talanskas says. “You have to be ethical — people are always watching.”

He related a story of ten professionals who knew of inventory irregularities at a company that had just appointed him president. The cover-up had been going on for ten years, but as soon as Talanskas got wind of what was happening he contacted authorities to resolve the situation and fortify the company’s reputation.

“I always tell my teams to never lie to customers,” Talanskas said. “If there is a problem, we need to fix it and not run from it. If you fix your customer’s problems, you will have a partner in the future.”

Talanskas stressed that while being ethical isn’t easy, and sometimes the desired results aren’t what we want or expect, being ethical is always the right thing to do.

“Ethical behavior is a journey,” Talanskas said. “You have ups and downs; nice moments and tough moments, but if you stick to your principles you will always win in the long run.”

The Marriott School is located at Brigham Young University, the largest privately owned, church-sponsored university in the United States. The school has nationally recognized programs in accounting, business management, public management, information systems, and entrepreneurship. The school’s mission is to prepare men and women of faith, character and professional ability for positions of leadership throughout the world. Approximately 3,000 students are enrolled in the Marriott School’s graduate and undergraduate programs.


Writer: Spencer Wright